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Understanding the Basic Concepts of Behavior Analysis

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you are an invited lecturer for the Applied Behavior Analysis I undergraduate course at the University. You have been asked to speak to beginning applied behavior analysis students in their first Seminar of their ABA program. You want to engender an appreciation for the field of behavior analysis and a passion for the science. Consider what you should talk about that can introduce the basic concepts of the science and spark the students’ passion for the field.

Remember, you want to use the “language of the behavior analyst,” but you must be mindful of the students’ lack of experience. This will require you to explain the concepts in terms the students can understand.

***NOTE: use the following books "Applied Behavior Analysis, 3rd ed."

"Ethics for Behavior Analysts, 4th ed"

Define the following and explain how these are used to either maintain behavior, diminish behavior, or extinguish behavior:

Positive and negative reinforcement

Positive and negative punishment

Explain the difference between negative reinforcement and punishment. Provide two brief scenarios that illustrate those differences.


Explain the importance of identifying behavior function to the design of effective, function-based behavior intervention plans.

Explain the following four functions of behavior:

Social positive reinforcement (Attention)

Tangible positive reinforcement (Access to tangibles)

Social negative reinforcement (Escape or avoidance)

Automatic reinforcement (Sensory stimulation)

Discuss the purpose and the process of the functional behavior assessment. Include indirect assessment and direct descriptive assessment in your discussion.

Explain the characteristics of an operational definition of a target behavior. Illustrate the difference between a label of a target behavior and an operational definition of a target behavior.

Discuss the questions you must ask yourself when determining the social significance of a potential target behavior.

Present the criteria for prioritizing target behaviors.

Use the following scenario to answer the questions that follow:

Lonnie is a 5-year-old boy who loves playing with his dog, Scruffy, and his little sister, Tammy. Recently, the young family has endured much upheaval. Lonnie’s dad just left one night while Lonnie was asleep and, about a month later, his mom decided they needed to move closer to Lonnie’s grandparents. Lonnie’s mom recently enrolled him in a new kindergarten. During the family’s transition to their new home, Lonnie and his mom were inseparable. He stayed close to her in case she needed him. He saw his mama cry one night and that made him sad. Since beginning his new school 5 weeks ago, Lonnie has been at the nurse’s office 10 times. The nurse’s records reveal that Lonnie always arrives at the office about 30 minutes after his mom drops him off at school. The nurse phones his mom, and she immediately picks him up and takes him home. His mom has taken him to the doctor, but there seems to be nothing physically wrong.

What is the target behavior in the case? Operationally define the target behavior.

Identify the antecedent and consequence in this case.

Based upon the usual antecedent and consequence, hypothesize the probable function of Lonnie’s target behavior.

Using the Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts, Section 2: Responsibility in Practice (Codes 2.08, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, and 2.17), discuss the ethical guidelines governing functional behavior assessments.

Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs.

Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct and accurate, and reflect knowledge of skills and practice in the human service profession.

Reference page: Sources listed in APA format.

Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left aligned.

Use APA formatting and citation style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Subject and Section
Professor’s name
Part I
As a beginning applied behavior analysis student, it is essential to understand the basic science concepts and how students can use them in the future to modify behavior. The talk will cover various terms and concepts related to behavior analysis.
For instance, informing them about positive and negative reinforcement and punishment is necessary. They must know that these are used to maintain, diminish, or extinguish the behavior. Positive and negative reinforcement are used to maintain or increase the frequency of a behavior. Positive reinforcement involves presenting a pleasant consequence to the individual after the behavior, while negative reinforcement involves removing an aversive stimulus after the behavior. On the other hand, positive and negative punishment is used to decrease the frequency of a behavior. Positive punishment involves presenting an aversive consequence after the behavior, while negative punishment involves removing a pleasant stimulus after the behavior.
Moreover, the difference between negative reinforcement and punishment is that negative reinforcement involves removing an aversive stimulus. On the other hand, punishment involves presenting an aversive consequence (Cooper et al., 2020). For instance, if a child is asked to do their homework and starts crying and screaming, the parent may remove the homework to stop the child’s crying. It is negative reinforcement. On the other hand, if the parent punishes the child for not doing homework by taking away their video, this is negative punishment.
In addition, extinction is reducing or eliminating a behavior by withholding reinforcement that was previously maintaining the behavior (Cooper et al., 2020). It involves removing the reinforcement that was previously associated with the behavior, and the behavior eventually reduces or disappears.
Moreover, identifying the behavior’s function is crucial to designing effective, function-based behavior intervention plans. Behavior analysts identify four primary functions of behavior: positive social reinforcement, tangible positive reinforcement, social negative reinforcement, and automatic reinforcement. Each function describes how the environment reinforces or maintains the behavior. Social positive reinforcement occurs when a behavior is reinforced by receiving attention from others. In contrast, tangible positive reinforcement occurs when a behavior is reinforced by gaining access to a desired item or activity. Meanwhile, social negative reinforcement occurs when a behavior is reinforced by removing or avoiding an aversive situation or demand. Automatic reinforcement occurs when a behavior is reinforced by the internal sensations it produces (Cooper et al., 2020).
In conclusion, understanding the basic concepts of behavior analysis and how they can be used to modify behavior is crucial for beginning applied behavior analysis students. By understanding the various terms and concepts discussed in this seminar, students will be better equipped to develop effective behavior intervention plans.
Part II
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