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U-6 diss Ethic

Essay Instructions:
Section 3 explains your professional responsibilities to your profession. You are expected to be honest and reliable, to practice integrity and trustworthiness, attributes that protect your clients, your profession, and you. You are required only to use behavior intervention approaches supported by behavior analytic research and only accept clients whose target behaviors are commensurate with your training and experience. Maintaining and adding to your expertise by keeping up with the latest research in your field is required to provide your clients with the care they deserve. Additionally, you are always to treat your clients and their families with dignity and respect. Section 3 also outlines your responsibility to your clients to provide individualized, research-based, effective behavior analytic treatment. If a third party requests your services, you must identify the primary beneficiary of your services. Scenario Alita is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) working for a large company that contracts with multiple school districts to provide behavior analytic services for their students. Prior to leaving the office to work with one of her young clients, the manager assigned her another student at the same school. Alita was directed to conduct a functional behavior assessment (FBA) and design a function-based behavior intervention plan (BIP) for the new client. Alita was happy to schedule the FBA as soon as possible but stated that she would first meet with the parents and explain the process and obtain informed consent to begin. Her manager told her that it was unnecessary since the school district is paying her for her services, and the principal requested behavior services. Discussion Discuss the relevant ethical issues in this scenario. Identify all of the applicable codes by number and explain why each is relevant in the case. Utilize only the codes covered in Section 3. What must Alita do to remain in compliance with the Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s (BACB’s) ethical codes? READING AND RESOURCES Chapter 8 covers Section 3: Responsibility to Clients and Stakeholders of the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts. Behavior analysts must understand the importance of including all relevant parties in the discussion and planning of the behavior change program. In an effort to prevent misunderstandings during the treatment process, it is important to include a service agreement that spells out all of the details pertaining to the procedures and billing. This section also covers the topics of documentation of work and discontinuation of services. Please read the following chapter in your text: Chapter 8: “Section 3: Responsibility to Clients and Stakeholders” Web Resource Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts (Behavior Analyst Certification Board, 2022) Podcast In Episode 19 of the Inside the BACB Podcast, the Director of Ethics and the Ethics Educational Manager of the BACB discuss what’s missing, what’s new, and what has changed in Section 3 of the revised ethics code for BCBAs and BCaBAs: Responsibility to Clients and Stakeholders. Below are two ways to listen to the podcast: BACB Site: Episode 19: The Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts: Responsibility to Clients and Stakeholders YouTube: Episode 19 - Ethics Code Update: Section 3, Responsibility to Clients and Stakeholders
Essay Sample Content Preview:
A Case Analysis on Ethical Responsibilities and Compliance in Behavior Analytic Practice Student Instructor Institution Course and Code Date A Case Analysis on Ethical Responsibilities and Compliance in Behavior Analytic Practice Ethical issues regarding Alita, a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), and Section 3 of the BACB Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts are as follows: A social, ethical issue of noting concerns that the manager fails to some extent in the principle of informed consent. According to Code 3.04, Service Agreement, behavior analysts should ensure that there is a signed service agreement before they can provide services to the client or the client's legal representative concerning the services in the matter. Such particularisation of the particular services, roles, and the BACB Code (BACB, 2024) requirement strengthens this agreement. The manager also, of course, violates this essential ethical imperative by pressuring Alita to go through with the surgery without her parents’ permission. Moreover, the code of ethics, Code 3.01, Responsibility to Clients, emphasizes that behavior analysts should always act for the welfare of the clients, keep their rights, and not cause any losses. The manager’s directive also interferes with Alita's ability to make decisions for her client because, in the future, the case without consent erodes trust and is unethical (Rodriguez, 2020; BACB, 2024). This is made worse because the manager wants to avoid interaction with the parents, violating the ethics of engagement with all the stakehold...
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