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U-6 Diss ABA

Essay Instructions:
READING AND RESOURCES. Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures Raymond G. Miltenberger Read Chapter 23 in Behavior Modification: “Behavioral Contracts” Read Chapter 20 in Behavior Modification: “Self-Management” Read the following article located in the university library: Wulfert, E. (2021). Rule-governed behavior. Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health. Read the following scenario. Identify a behavior you would like to change using self-management. It can be one of your own behaviors or a hypothetical behavior. Identify the behavior targeted for change and describe how self-management can be used to change a behavior. Then, create a self-management plan to change your behavior; include all of the following: Define the target behavior to be changed using a 1-2 sentence operational definition. List competing behaviors. Set your goal. Develop your self-monitoring plan. How will you collect data on the behavior? Functional assessment: Offer your interpretation of what the antecedents and consequences are for the target behavior and competing behaviors. If the target behavior is a behavior excess you are hoping to decrease, what do you think is currently controlling the behavior (e.g., what antecedent and what reinforcer)? If the target behavior is a behavior deficit you are hoping to increase, what antecedents need to cue the behavior and what consequences need to reinforce it? Choose appropriate self-management strategies. Include one antecedent intervention and one contingency-based intervention. A description of how you will evaluate your plan and what you will do if your self-management strategies do not work.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
U-6 Diss ABA Student’s Name Professor’s Name Institutional Affiliations Course Name and Number Due Date U-6 Diss ABA My target behavior requiring a change is frequent junk food intake, characterized by the practice of consuming at least one type of fast food or sweets daily. Competing behaviors for this excessive conduct are eating fruits, reading inspirational books, drinking water, or jogging. My goal is 100% elimination of junk foods within a month by replacing sugary drinks, fast foods, and other related items with water, fresh juices, homemade dishes, and fruit servings. Miltenberger (2023) notes that setting such a self-management goal guides eradicating behavioral excesses and averting adverse future outcomes. Thus, this goal will inform my self-monitoring plan. Developing an electronic data sheet will assist in monitoring my intake and recording the food and drinks consumed daily. Miltenberger (2023) reveals the importance of suc...
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