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The Three Psychological Dimensions of Vision

Essay Instructions:

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be double‐spaced; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements.


Part I: Describe the three psychological dimensions of vision.


For Part II: of the written assignment, explain why the following course objectives are important to understanding psychology:


  1. Define circadian rhythms and explain how the body’s “biological clock” works and what happens when it doesn’t.


  1. Distinguish between the basic processes of sensation and perception, explain how the doctrine of specific nerve energies applies to perception, and discuss how synesthesia contributes to our understanding of sensory modalities.


  1. Describe the basic principles of classical conditioning, including the extinction and recovery of a classically conditioned response, how higher-order conditioning takes place, and the process of stimulus generalization and discrimination.


  1. Compare social norms and social roles, and note how each contributes to the social rules that govern a culture.


Please reference and include at least three scholarly articles within your response. The minimum word count should be 750 words. Overall response should be formatted according to APA style, with the total assignment between three to six pages, pages not including title page and reference page.



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The Three Psychological Dimensions of Vision
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The Three Psychological Dimensions of Vision
The eyes are the primary source of information about the physical world where people live. They offer individuals more details than any other sensory organ in the human body, as they allow people to see and analyze external stimuli (Agarwal, 2011). This paper seeks to explore the three different psychological dimensions of vision and their importance. 
Color is a psychological experience that has at least three components: hue, saturation, and brightness. While it is more common and easier to refer to an object's color, it is inaccurate. By emitting or absorbing different wavelengths, an object can either reflect or emit wavelengths of light at varying intensities. If one has a healthy visual system, the wavelengths that reach the eye lead to an individual's perception of the object's color. Therefore, even though people may talk about the object's color, it is simply their perception of its color in their eyes' retina. Color is merely a function of the human visual system rather than a natural phenomenon. Simply put, color does not exist as a natural phenomenon.
Colors are psychologically represented in three distinct dimensions: saturation, hue, and brightness. Typically, people can replicate a color by knowing its hue, saturation, and brightness. Colors can be subjective to human factors such as anticipations, neighboring colors, and colors that an individual has recently been exposed to.
The most common dimension associated with the word color is hue. The distinction among fundamental color names like blue, green, and red is called hue. The wavelength of light determines the hue or the co...
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