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Third Major Feature

Essay Instructions:
1. The third major feature of language is pragmatics. Using examples, explain the role of pragmatics in human speech. 2. Describe the pros and cons of different ideas about the origins of language, including the difficulties involved in establishing evidence for any one perspective. 3. Explain the four stages of creativity that are generally recognized by cognitive psychologists. Illustrate each stage based on a single conceivable problem you might like to pursue. (HINT: approach the four stages in groups of two—first and second stages in paragraph 1, and the third and fourth stages in paragraph 2.) 4. In the context of conditional reasoning and cognitive constraints on conditional reasoning, (1.) Define the confirmation bias in general terms, providing salient examples. (2.) Describe and explain the types of belief confirmation related to political climate, again providing relevant examples.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology Student’s Name Institution Course Number and Name Instructor’s Name Date Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology Role of Pragmatics Pragmatics play an important role in human speech as it allows people to converse according to context. In this sense, pragmatics allows people to say appropriate things in the context of the conversation they are having. For example, "I am fine" could be a response to the greeting, "How are you?" In another context, it could be an answer to the question, "Are you okay?" Given that conversational rules vary from one community or culture to another, pragmatics dictate what constitutes correct input in conversation in different communities or cultures. The cooperative principle is integral in guiding speakers to say the appropriate things in the conversational context (Kellogg, 2015). Pragmatics can help one interpret language correctly. For example, one can employ sarcasm and say, “I just love this weather” when it is raining heavily. In this case, pragmatics can help one discern that the utterance is sarcastic. Origins of Language There are different ideas regarding the origin of language. One idea posits that language developed from gestures. However, as informed by Kellogg (2015), gestural and spoken outputs are synchronized even in individuals who are congenitally blind. Another theory about the orig...
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