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Theories and Process of Development

Essay Instructions:

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For this Written Response Assessment, you will answer a series of short-answer questions to demonstrate your understanding about the constructs, processes, and theories of developmental psychology to better understand human behavior in a variety of settings. For some questions, you will analyze a current event or news item that illustrate real-life situations related to early or adolescent development.

Submission Length: Six (6) items with responses ranging 1–4 paragraphs in length.

Professional Skills: Information Literacy, Engaging Multiple Social and Cultural Perspectives, and Written Communication are assessed in this Competency.


Before submitting your Written Response Assessment, carefully review the Rubric. This is the same Rubric the Assessor will use to evaluate your submission, and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the Rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

Download the LF001 Written Response Template, and answer each question in 1–4 paragraphs.

All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing. Properly formatted APA citations and References must be provided where appropriate. Submissions that do not meet these expectations will be returned without scoring.

This Assessment requires submission of one (1) document: a completed Written Response Template.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
LF001: Theories and Processes of Development—Evaluate constructs, processes, and theories of developmental psychology to better understand human behavior in a variety of settings.
Written Response Submission Form
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Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much, as needed, to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the Rubric, which will be used to evaluate your responses.
For Item 1, consider the role each process—cognitive, physical, and social-emotional—plays on the development of an individual. The cognitive developmental process involves the ability to think, remember, reason, problem-solve, and communicate. The physical developmental process entails not only changes in height and weight but also fine and gross muscle control, balance, strength, reproductive ability, and appearance. Finally, the social-emotional developmental process involves beliefs about oneself in relation to others, including self-identity, self-concept, morality, and relationships. For this Assessment, you will answer the following question related to cognitive, physical, and social-emotional processes at a specific period of a fictional character’s life.
* Select a fictional human character (i.e., cartoon character, film/TV character, virtual character) and consider an important event or period of time in the life of the character and the developmental processes during this event/period of time.
* Select two of the three developmental processes (i.e., cognitive, physical, and social-emotional) to describe.
Item 1
* Based on your selected fictional human character and the two developmental processes you selected, provide a brief description of the fictional human character (i.e., cartoon character, film/TV character, virtual character) and the event/period of time you selected.
* Describe two of the three developmental processes—cognitive, physical, and social-emotional—and explain whether they were affected and/or changed in relation to the event/period of time. Be specific in your explanation and provide examples. (3–4 paragraphs)
Your Response
Charles Dickens is a director and actor who created Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge as his main character in “A Christmas Carol.” Mr. Ebenezer is an aged antagonist, who most villagers perceived as cruel, mean-spirited, and unreasonable. The character had an uncanny dislike for individuals with few resources. The setting of “A Christmas Carol” symbolized the 1800s when overall population growth exceeded the gross domestic product significantly. Developmental Processes Social development entails assessing how people develop behavioral, emotional, and social traits and skills across a lifespan, especially among adolescents and children. The concepts of healthy social development align with an individual’s capability to create positive character traits and positive relationships (Stebletsova & Scanlan, 2018). On the contrary, dysfunctional social development evolves from traumatic childhood and experience during adulthood, such as relationships with caregivers, parents, and other associates. Donchenko et al. (2019) aver that cognitive development helps explore humans’ ability to reason, think, and remember to address issues and communicate. Therefore, such changes could have affected the overall mental development of Ebenezer and his overall confidence level.According to Downey and Daniels, (2020) rejection has a significant influence on social and cognitive development for both children and adults. Ebenezer Scrooge, the antagonist, encountered rejection from the people he aspired to love, affecting his cognitive and social development. For instance, his mother died while giving birth to him. Similarly, his loved sister died while giving birth to his nephew. While Scrooge attended a boarding school, his father refused to check on him. Besides, he failed to establish any meaningful relationship with his classmates. Later in life, his fiancé accused him of focusing more on creating wealth than family and abandoned him. Such form of abandonment affected Scrooge’s social development, especially resulting from loneliness. In most instances, family issues affect overall cognitive development. The couple’s experiences caused trauma, and he found it hard to accept that he would die alone without mourning his demise. As a result, Scrooge developed depression that affected his social and cognitive development, such as the inability to recall crucial memories and make rational decisions. According to the depictions in the film, the trip into the past helped Scrooge regain cognitive capabilities in invoking positive self-perceptions, compassion for others, and appropriate memories just as. According to Downey and Daniels, (2020) individuals with depressive symptoms are likely to encounter fewer social interactions since they are likely to receive less support from their social environment. Besides, depression can interrupt capability to think and even hamper attention. In the case of Scrooge, depression could have affected his feelings negatively resulting to emotional and physical issues. Chopik et al. (2021) postulate that cognitive capabilities are vital determinants of character development based on memories. In the case of Scrooge, information processing and level of intelligence influenced his behaviors and process of overcoming depressive symptoms. The significant difference was that his boss and sister admired and loved him, which became the primary source of his happiness. Ghosts of Christmas helped Scrooge make substantial progress in social development, such as his eagerness to cultivate new relationships with his nephew, who he had avoided for an extended period. Besides, he developed a positive relationship with Bob Cratchit and bought him one of the biggest turkeys available from the local merchant. ReferencesChopik, W. J., Kelley, W. L., Vie, L. L., Lester, P. B., Bonett, D. G., Lucas, R. E., & Seligman, M. E. (2021). Individual and experiential predictors of character development across the deployment cycle. European Journal of Personality, 08902070211012931.Donchenko, V. I., Yemets, A. V., & Skrinnik, Y. O. (2019). Physical development by means of fitness technologies as one of general aspects of student’s health. Wiadomosci Lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland: 1960), 72(5 cz 2), 1074-1078.Downey, G., & Daniels, J. E. (2020). The Dynamic Ecology of Rejection and Acceptance: Mental Health Implications. Archives of sexual behavior, 1-5. Stebletsova, G., & Scanlan, B. (2018). Child wellbeing integrated in the curriculum. He Kupu, 5(3), 66-74. Zhamardiy, V. O. .

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Meets Expectations

Module 2: Theories of Development

Based on your selected fictional human character and the two developmental processes you selected:
LO 2.1: Describe the fictional human character and the event/period of time you selected.

Response is missing.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or includes an incomplete description of the fictional human character selected. Also, does not include the event/period of time in the life of the character.

Response is clear, accurate, and includes a complete description of the fictional human character selected. Also, includes the event/period of time in the life of the character.

LO 2.2: Describe two of the three developmental processes (i.e., cognitive, physical, and social-emotional).

Response is missing.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or includes an incomplete description of two of the three developmental processes (i.e., cognitive, physical, and social-emotional). Also, does not provide specific information and examples in their description.

Response is clear, accurate, and includes a complete description of two of the three developmental processes (i.e., cognitive, physical, and social-emotional). Also, provides specific information and examples in their description.

LO 2.3: Explain whether the two of the three developmental processes were affected and/or changed in relation to the event/period of time.

Response is missing.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or includes an incomplete explanation of two of the three developmental processes (i.e., cognitive, physical, and social-emotional) were affected and/or changed in relation to the event/period of time. Also, does not provide specific information and examples in their explanation.

Response is clear, accurate, and includes a complete explanation of two of the three developmental processes (i.e., cognitive, physical, and social-emotional) were affected and/or changed in relation to the event/period of time. Also, provides specific information and examples in their explanation.

In Item 2, you explore classical (i.e., seminal, important, and older) and contemporary (i.e., more recent) developmental theories. Theories are vital to the psychology profession, as they inform practice, research, and trends. You must critically evaluate theories to determine which theories are applicable to certain developmental processes. For each theory, examine the construct (e.g., cognition, motivation, intelligence, etc.) that has been emphasized. Think about how this construct relates to developmental processes. For example, a toddler's intelligence differs in quality from an adult's intelligence. By examining developmental theories of intelligence, such as Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, you can gain an understanding of the basis for developmental differences in toddler and adult intelligence.
When examining theories, it is important to delineate the strengths and limitations of each theory. Think about how each theory accounts for atypical development or a developmental delay. If a specific construct is identified, ask yourself: Can the theory be extended to apply to other constructs, as well? Does the theory adequately predict future behavior? How would one apply a particular theory to help improve people's lives? Keep these questions in mind as you answer the following question related to classical and contemporary theories.
Item 2
* Consider the sources related to mid-20th century theories and recent theoretical perspectives.
* Select two theories from the following list—one from each column (classical, contemporary)—that examine the same developmental processes (i.e., cognitive, physical, and/or social-emotional).
Classical Theories

Contemporary Theories

* Psychoanalytic/Psychosexual
* Psychosocial
* Behaviorism/Learning
* Social Learning
* Cognitive-Developmental

* Information Processing
* Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
* Ethology/Evolutionary Developmental
* Sociocultural
* Systems Theory

* Provide a brief description of the two theories you selected (one classical and one contemporary).
* Contrast the theories you selected. Specifically, identify important similarities and differences, including an explanation of the strengths and limitations of each theory in explaining developmental processes (i.e., cognitive, physical, and social-emotional). Note: Your descriptions should be in paragraph form, not bullet points. Be specific. (3–4 paragraphs)
Your Response
The psychosocial theory is one of the classical models that elaborate on changes in self-understanding and social relationships. Counselors and psychologists alike can utilize the approach to analyze symptomatic behavior to their experience (Orenstein & Lewis, 2020). The core focus of the theory is on social relationships, mental processes, and self-understanding that determine the interconnection between people and social world. Erickson, the developer of psychosocial theory, argues that personality develops in a predetermined order through various stages of psychosocial development. According to research findings, a completion of psychosocial development, a successful completion of each stage can result in acquisition of basic virtues and health personality. The sociocultural theory is a contemporary model that focuses on society’s contribution to individual development. The key emphasis of the idea is on the interaction between people and the surrounding environment. Vygotsky, the developer of the theory, children are born with key biological constraints in their minds while each culture provides various tools of intellectual adaptation. In such a case, children utilize their capabilities in a way that is adaptive to their culture (Daneshfar & Moharami, 2018). Vygotsky avers that cognitive development is likely to vary across different cultures. Therefore, human development is a socially mediated process through which children acquire beliefs, values, and problem-solving strategies. One of the major themes of Vygotsky’s theoretical framework is that social interaction plays a fundamental role in expediting development of cognition. Vygotsky described four stages of proximal development for learners. Capacity begins at the first stage through which capable individuals provide assistance. In the second stage, learners can provide their assistance in performing desired skills. During the third stage, learners develop to a point that they would not need to talk to themselves. For the fourth stage, learners loop back to the initial stages resulting in enhanced learning.Erikson, the theorist of psychosocial theory, reaffirms that human beings advance through various stages of development based on their adaptation to social crises. According to sociocultural theory, human learning is a social process, thus stressing the relationship between people and their respective cultures. According to Misra (2018), Vygotsky, the theory developer, emphasizes that children have primary biological constraints in their minds during birth. However, each cuture provides intellectual adaptation tools. As a result, children can use their capabilities to adapt to their respective cultures. Psychosocial theory and sociocultural theory have notable similarities and differences. One of the similarities between the two models is the assertion that personality develops in various stages. Besides, the two approaches focus on the imperativeness of early experiences as a critical determinant of cognitive development. However, the two models have differences in developmental processes (Misra, 2018). For instance, while psychosocial theory focuses on social and environmental factors that determine development, sociocultural theory reaffirms that social learning precedes cognitive development. Besides, psychosocial theorist argues that all children pass through universal stages of cognitive development, social-cultural theorist avers that cognitive development varies across different cultures. References Daneshfar, S., & Moharami, M. (2018). Dynamic assessment in Vygotsky's sociocultural theory: Origins and main concepts. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 9(3), 600-607.Misra, G. (Ed.). (2018). Psychosocial interventions for health and well-being. Springer India. Orenstein, G. A., & Lewis, L. (2020). Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development. StatPearls [Internet]. .

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Module 3: Two Cognitive Constructs: Intelligence and Academic Achievement

Based on the two theories you selected (one classical and one contemporary):
LO 3.1: Describe the two theories selected (one classical and one contemporary)

Response is missing.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or includes an incomplete description of the two theories selected (one classical and one contemporary).

Response is clear, accurate, and includes a complete description of the two theories selected (one classical and one contemporary).

LO 3.2: Contrast the theories selected. Specifically identify similarities and differences.

Response is missing.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or includes an incomplete comparison of the two theories selected (one classical and one contemporary). Also, does not include specifics related to the similarities and differences of the theories.

Response is clear, accurate, and includes a complete comparison of the two theories selected (one classical and one contemporary).
Also, includes specifics related to the similarities and differences of the theories.

LO 3.3: Explain the strengths and limitations of each theory selected to include the developmental processes (i.e., cognitive, physical, and social-emotional).

Response is missing.

Response is vague, inaccurate, and/or an includes incomplete explanation of the strengths and limitations of each theory selected.
Also, does not include the developmental processes (i.e., cognitive, physical, and social-emotional) in the explanation.

Response is clear, accurate, and includes a complete explanation of the strengths and limitations of each theory selected.
Also, includes the developmental processes (i.e., cognitive, physical, and social-emotional) in the explanation.

For Item 3, you will explore the differences between intelligence and academic achievement (as opposed to other types of achievement). You also will examine environmental and/or biological influences on intelligence and academic achievement.
Consider the sources from the Learning Activities related to intelligence and academic achievement and consider environmental and biological influences as you answer the following question.
Item 3
* Select two influences: environmental and/or biological (you can select two of either category or one of each) that have been associated with intelligence and academic achievement.
* Explain the difference between intelligence and academic achievement.
* Briefly describe the two environmental and/or biological influences you selected.
* Explain the effects of each influence on intelligence and academic achievement. Be specific and provide examples. (3–4 paragraphs)
Your Response
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