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The Extent of Human Conformity

Essay Instructions:

1. Please write a 2-page paper about Milgram's Obedience Study using the prompts below.
2. Find an additional article to use in addition to the one provided.
3. Cite the article you choose as well as the main article provided.
4. APA format.
• Milgram’s Obedience Study
Prompts for the paper:
* Write a summary describing the experiment (do not copy and paste this information- that is plagiarism and will lead to you failing this assignment). Tell what was being studied, what methods or procedures were used, how many people participated and what the results of the study were.
* Why did you choose this study? Do not just say it sounds interesting. Tie your reasoning to personal experiences or possible future career choices. These are just two examples! (at least 4 sentences)
* Why is this an important study? How did this study affect a group of people or how we interacting with each other? How did this study affect society? (at least 4 sentences)
**This is the citation for the article provided: 10 most brilliant social psychology experiments. (2017, January 18). PsyBlog. https://www(dot)spring(dot)org(dot)uk/2007/11/10-piercing-insights-into-human-nature.php

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reaction/PSYC 2319 – KK
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Instructor’s Name
Date of Submission
Reaction/PSYC 2319 – KK
Summary describing the Experiment
Milgram studied the extent of human conformity when instructed to commit cruel acts against others. The researcher was curious about the psychological factor compelling people to treat their peers with cruelty during World War Two (Milgram, 2007). The idea that people committed cruelty because circumstances influenced them came to the test. The experiment considered laboratory settings with participants aware that the subjects were volunteers rather than subjects responsible for social wrongs. The researcher enrolled volunteers and revealed that the group would partake in a learning experiment. The psychological experiment issued within a lab setting involved the perception of a teacher and learner situation. The teacher’s primary objective was administering shock upon instruction by an authority. The research integrated labels highlighting the extremes of shock effect. The teachers understood the least to the highest levels of electric shock administered at the touch of labeled controls. The teacher administered a shock to the maximum limit. The participant honored the instructions from the experimenter, termed an authority (Milgram, 2007). The report fails to identify the number of participants enrolled. Instead, it provides percentages referring to the proportion of teachers that cooperated with the experimenter’s instructions throughout. The study revealed that people would execute the instructions of an instructor despite awareness of consequences for other individuals. The participants dispensed their duties upon instruction, unbothered by the screaming and pleading from learners. The authoritative directives to perform acts allowed individuals to detach from the subjects and treat them as strange entities deserving harsh treatment.
Why this study?
I selected the study because its findings explain...
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