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Summarization Assignment: Different Cultures

Essay Instructions:


For this assignment, you will:

 Read the passage (below)

 Think about the main ideas contained in the passage.

 Make a list of four (4) main ideas contained in the passage.

 In your own words, summarize the main ideas in paragraph form with a minimum of four (4)

complete sentences.

 Do not quote directly from the passage.


 Incorporate all main ideas into your own words.

 Use appropriate APA placement and style for in-text citations and the reference.

 Complete your work in a Microsoft Word document.

Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again

after you write.

Textbook Passage:

In short, it is worth remembering that most of the theories and much of the research covered in this

book are based on observations in individualistic cultures. In fact, most of this work was conducted in

the United States, the country that was found in one study to be the most individualistic of 41 nations

examined (Suh, Diener, Oishi, & Triandis, 1998). This does not mean the research should be

dismissed. Rather, we should keep in mind that whether a particular description applies to people in

all cultures remains an open question. In some cases, such as the research on dream content

presented in Chapter 4 and the studies on marriage patterns presented in Chapter 10, investigators

find nearly identical results across very different cultural groups. In other cases, such as in the selfesteem and achievement examples, they find important differences among cultures. Identifying the

cultural limitations or universality of various phenomena provides additional insight into the nature of

the concepts we study.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Summarization Assignment
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Summarization Assignment
The list of four main ideas contained in the passage include:
1. The idea that theories are based on observations of individualistic cultures.
2. The United States is the most individualistic nation of all the 41 nations examined, particularly based on the several studies conducted.
3. Identifying various cultural limitations offers additional insights into the nature of concepts that individuals study.
4. The universality of various phenomena also provides additional insights into the nature of various concepts which individuals study.
The textbook passage details the idea that theories are usually based on individualistic cultures. Individualistic cultures emphasize the individuals' needs over the group's requirements or society as a whole, an idea that causes individuals to be both autonomous and independent. The social behavior of persons tends to be mainly dictated by either the preferences or the attitudes of the individuals involved (Ramzan & Amjad, 2017). The idea that theories are usually based on individualistic cultures mainly constitutes emotions that are usually major components relating to various human experiences. Emotional experiences may be similar across varying cultures despite emotional regulation being conceived by researchers in varying ways. However, the theories and strategies utilized in regulating emotional experiences may vary depending on various cultural orientations, like collectivistic versus individualistic cultures (Ramzan & Amjad, 2017). An example is when various passive emotion regulation strategies may tend to be compensatory in some cultures and optimal in other cultures.
The United States is found to be the most individualistic nation of all the 41 nations examined, particularly based on several studies conducted. Individualism has been rampant particularly in the past several decades, with much research documenting that the immense shift is specifically limited to a handful of various highly developed nations like the United States. In addition to the immense dramatic shifts towards greater in...
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