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Do You Believe That Stress Is Harmful For Your Health?

Essay Instructions:

Video: https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/kelly_mcgonigal_how_to_make_stress_your_friend
Which of the five core social motives (belonging, understanding, controlling, enhancing self, trusting others) do you think best explains the effects of stress perceptions as discussed in Dr. Kelly McGonigal's talk?
Question 2:
Do you believe that stress is harmful for your health? Has Dr. Kelly McGonigal's talk changed the way that you understand stress? If so, in what way?
Question 3:
The text briefly mentions the universality of basic emotions (anger, fear, sadness, disgust, happiness, surprise, contempt). Emotional expression is one form of nonverbal behavior that constitutes a fundamental aspect of ordinary personology.
Complete the emotional intelligence quiz at the following link:
What do your results tell you about your emotional intelligence? Do your results surprise you?

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Question 1
Of the five core social motives as explained by Fiske (2010), I think belonging best describes the effects of stress perceptions discussed by Dr. Kelly McGonigal in the TED Talk video podcast. As informed by Fiske (2010), human beings need stable and strong relationships. There is a need for belonging among people; we are always seeking for ongoing and secure relationships (Fiske, 2010). This motive to belong benefits both the individual and the group he or she interacts with. When one is ostracized, their sense of belonging is threatened. Fiske (2010) also describes that the hormone oxytocin may be responsible for the mediation of stress response associated with disrupted social relationships. In this sense, oxytocin determines the way one responds to stress. Fiske (2010) also points out that the motive is beneficial to the group one interacts with in that it helps the group coordinate its actions and operate effectively when people cooperate with one another.
According to Dr. McGonigal in the TED talk podcast, stress makes an individual social. McGonigal points out that hormone oxytocin makes one do things that strengthen close relations. She also points out that the hormone makes one crave physical contact with family and friends. Therefore, of the five motives, belonging can be said to explain best the effects of stress perception discussed by Dr. McGonigal. The feeling of belongingness can only be found when one interacts with friends and family members. With stress response driving people to seek this feeling of belongingness, one can agree with Dr. McGonigal that perceiving stress positively is beneficial physically and mentally. In the TED talk presentation, Dr. McGonigal notes that the oxytocin released during stress response motivates one to seek support. One is motivated to talk to others about what they are going through. The immediate people that one can talk to are family and friends. This way, the stress response has motivated an individual to seek belonging, which is a core social motive according to Fiske (2010). Therefore, I think belonging best explains the effects of stress perception discussed by Dr. McGonigal.
Question 2
I believe stress is harmful to one’s health. Stress can drive individuals to do things that they would not have done in the case they were not stressed. For example, people often smoke or indulge in alcohol as a way of coping with stress. Smoking and excessive alcohol drinking have been s...
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