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Social Psychological Concepts

Essay Instructions:


For this course project, you are tasked with collecting current events articles, magazine articles, and/or newspaper clippings that illustrate social psychological concepts. Any type of editorials, advertisements, and cartoons are also acceptable to use! Your final project should explain how the items you collected illustrate a theory or concept from the course.


•I have chosen (10) social psychological concepts from the course to include in the project:

You will put the project together in a PowerPoint!

o Aggressive Behavior

o Attitudes and Attitude Change

o Bystander Effect

o Cognitive Dissonance

o Conformity

o Group Think

o Impact of Culture

o Prosocial Behavior

o Self-Concept

o Social Cognition

• Then, for each of the ten concepts, find a particular editorial/advertisement/drawing/etc. that illustrates the main points of the concept. Be sure to include the link/image in your work.

• For each example, explain how the material you chose illustrates the relevant matching psychological concept. Define the concept and elaborate on the connections to your material using specific examples.

• To support your ideas, incorporate a minimum of three (3) scholarly sources for the entire project.

PSY301 – Social Psychology

Course Project – Social Psychological Concepts


Please include the following requirements:

• Your project must be formatted according to APA guidelines.

• Use at least three (3) scholarly sources for your project and include all reference citations in correct APA formatting.

• Use complete sentences and appropriate grammar and spelling. (If creating a PowerPoint, the

Presenter Notes section must be utilized to narrate the information presented in each slide),

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
Different events are continuously happening in everyone’s surroundings despite them knowing it. These scenarios can either be big or small, short-term or long-term, and many more. Among these events is the continuous interaction of individuals with other people and the results of this interaction afterward. These interactions can be triggered by something else or can cause an efficient product. This paper will present ten concepts under social psychology with its definition and examples.
Figure 1
Aggressive Behavior
Note. Figure 1 shows a fight between two kids and a woman being the mediator to stop the conflict (Daniells, 2018).
According to Eisner & Malti (2015), aggressive behavior refers to actions that cause harm to other individuals, and this includes physical, mental, and emotional harm. Also, they added that this definition is synonymous with hundreds of words in the English language. An example would be a fight between two or more individuals or even a simple push of two kids because of a toy.
Figure 2
Attitude and Attitude Changes
Note. Figure 2 represents the factors influencing a person’s attitude to change and form (Cherry, 2021).
Attitude refers to how a person assesses a thought floating in one’s mind. An attitude can change when the perception of an individual towards another train of thought is changed (Bohner & Dickel, 2011). For example, a young man perceives his Dad as a wrong person, so his attitude towards him is terrible. The young man’s perception towards his Dad can be influenced by how his Dad acts around him every time they met.
Figure 3
Bystander Effect
Note. Figure 3 shows how people overthink about helping. Instead of taking action, they all first taught that the man on the floor is okay and someone will help (BD Editors, 2019).
From the study of Plotner et al. (2015), they stated that the bystander effect is like the words “volunteer’s dilemma,” wherein people look at volunteering as a big task and tend to disconnect themselves from it. Also, there are five stages to consider in this concept which are (1) someone has to be aware of the scenario, (2) conclude that it is an emergency case, (3) take responsibility, (4) be of help in the case, and (5) before others take notice of it.
Figure 4
Cognitive Dissonance
Note. Figure 4 whos a man who was used to using candy as a form of stress reliever relied on the use of cigarettes instead (Cherry, 2020).
Kim (2011) defined cognitive dissonance as actions that are different from what an individual's values are. It occurs when a person is in a state of conflict and would instead use an action different from who they are. Another scenario would be a young girl feeling stuffy of his strict parents tried to sneak out at night.
Figure 5
Note. Figure 5 shows how the young girl in the first panel changed her outfit to be friends with the people behind her (Cherry, 2020).
Refers to the actions of people where they change their behaviors according to the majority. To elaborate, people tend to change their actions according to the majority of opinions of their environment (Van Leeuwen et al., 2017). For example, a young man wants to be one of those popular groups, so he changed his style and norm despite his comfort just to fit in. Another would be when a person is surrounded by people who use a specific product, he/she will also use it.
Figure 6
Note. Figure 6 shows a man standing and presenting his opinion while the message clouds of the ones sitting in front of him are badmouthing his thoughts (Anonymous, 2013).
This theory refers to the actions taken by individuals when they are in a group. Also, these actions could either present a bad or good result to the group's discussion (Rose, 2011). An example would be when a group of different individuals collaborates on a project, the outcomes can either be bad or good.
Figure 7
Impact of Culture
Note. Figure 7 shows people of different countries worldwide are holding hands that could represent the influence that they give towards one another (White, n.d.).
According to Chiu & Hong (2013), cultures a...
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