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Psychology Essay: Science of Human Connection Final Paper: Gender

Essay Instructions:

Science of Human Connection Final Paper: Gender

Gender related expectations and norms as it relates to women in the workplace, in caregiving and parenting, and in their sexuality.

Gender expectations and norms in the workplace, sexuality and caregiving and parenting, media (?)


Describe the crisis of connection issue. Who are the participants? What is the history of the crisis of connection issue? What is the current status of the crisis of connection issue? This information should be relatively brief. Next, preview the body of the paper by indicating the terms/concepts you will use to analyze the relationship.

Participants: women

Crisis of connection issue: gender expectations for women


Questions to answer within paper:

What do we need to explore and develop in ourselves (ingroup vs. outgroup) in order to increase our sensitivity to and/or awareness of our chosen crisis of connection societal issues?

Where and how did we learn our potential bias (ingroup vs. outgroup) regarding this issue that may or may not contribute to societies perpetuation of our chosen issue?

What strengths do we have (ingroup) that may be of value in our helping relationships with someone from a different culture (outgroup) encountering challenges with our chosen societal issue?

Body1: gender expectations and norms for women in the workplace

-accommodation and assimilation

-dress code based on ethnicity (black vs. white)

-professionalism (what clothes is perceived to be professional)

-slut-shaming concept

Body2: media coverage of women body shape and the socially-constructed definition of beauty for women

*Be sure to mention slut-shaming and black box theory from class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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In society, gender expectation means how someone is expected to speak, act, speak, groom, conduct ourselves, and dress based upon our sex. For example, women and girls are usually expected to dress in typically feminine ways and be accommodating, nurturing, and polite. Vice versa for the men are usually expected to be bold, healthy, and aggressive (Hurst, 2017). Gender impacts every feature of our life, from how we set our educational goals and feel about ourselves and set our goals in work opportunities, educational, recreational, and the extent of our participation in civic and social life. Gender expectation has a strong effect on our practice, the workplace, the dress code, the nature of all of our relationships with others, and how we express our feelings.  
 This paper explores gender expectations and norms in the workplace, sexuality and caregiving, and parenting. Gender expectations are inclusive of males and females, but the mains participants will be women in this paper. To comprehend this topic, such as where and how did we learn our potential bias regarding this issue that may or may not contribute to society's perpetuation of gender expectations and norms? What do we need to explore and develop to increase our sensitivity to and awareness of gender expectations? Furthermore, this paper will highlight the body's media coverage and the black box plus slut-shaming theory.
Men have been the dominant gender in responsibilities and roles at all levels as history has it in politics, social wise, and religion. The supremacy doesn't mean that women have no influence or vital responsibility or role in history. It mostly depended on culture to culture in different ethnic groups (Hryniewiezi, 2018). A good example is of Christian religion where they originate their gender roles and duties of woman and man from Bible history (Ephesians 5:22-33); wives submit to your husbands, as to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church. The man definition traditionally is that a man would be the primary protector and provider of the family, whereas a woman has domestic responsibilities for years until recently, that the tradition has changed by women's involvement. Both genders do perform the same responsibilities.
In the 21st Century, gender is often misinterpreted as the promotion of women who have taken an active role in different careers and sectors. Notwithstanding, some societies still hold women inferior in their culture; like several cases reported in Indian beliefs, women still come from customary strict families. They have accepted their roles and feel like they belong in their decisions (Samari, 2018). The movements formed by feminists gained motion in the 1960's and1970's, which led to the change of duties in communities. All genders play equal roles because women are involved in owning large lead companies, managing big organizations, and earning higher academic degrees from all sectors equal to men's businesses (Blum, 2011). The 21st Century validates equal participation of both men and women in various activities compared to the early years. Some of the terms that will be used include; Gender awareness: refers to the understanding of the differences in duties and relations of men and women, how this leads to a difference in statuses, power relations, needs, and privileges (Kunin, 2019). Gender Issues: are revealed when relationships between men and women, their privileges, roles, position, and statuses are analyzed and identified. Gender analysis is studying females' and males' different duties and realities to comprehend what they do, identify their needs, and what resources they have.
What do we need to explore and develop in ourselves to increase our sensitivity to and awareness? Certain things need to be done to create more awareness; first, we need to talk to girls and women; a good reason we have not yet accomplished the achieved gender expectations in terms of equality in every aspect is that women's voices are usually not involved in vital decision-making (D'Aantio, 2020). The second one is we should make education gender-sensitive. The progress in increasing access to education is improving globally, but the case is not the same in improving the education system in terms of gender se...
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