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School of Psychology

Essay Instructions:

Compare how any two of the schools would approach the exploration of a modern issue.

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Schools of Psychology Name Institution Separating psychology from biology could be termed as one of the major breakthrough of the subject. It was affect this separation that the raging debate of how to explain and describe human behavior and mind began. In a period where everyone is advocating for a better life and less oppression solving society problem by using force and violence has slowly faded. Problems are being solved using more effective methods such as science and technology. In science part, psychology does play a huge role as it used as a tool to study human mind and behavior. Through schools of psychology one gets to understand why human behave in a certain manner. This means that if an individual is a thief one can help transform this thief by understanding why he has been engaging in this act. This paper is going to look at functionalism and structuralism schools of psychology and how these two can help in solving drug use in our societies. Drug use and abuse has been a menace in our society. There are various reasons as to why people become dependent to substance use and getting to know as to why one is into using drugs or selling drugs is one-step of solving the problem. Psychology helps in learning the behavior of an individual and this becomes the starting point. Questions pertaining this factor include, what is behavior? How is behavior constructed and performed? is it formed in the mind or is it a subconscious aspect? This study of mind and behavior is psychology. Using only two of the several ways developed to understand human behavior it is possible to tackle the issue of drug use today. According to Trenette T. Clark the approaches used in studying the social phenomenon are primarily based on personal beliefs abo...
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