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Quitting the Relationship and Wanted to Speak to Someone

Essay Instructions:

Please see attach documents and follow the guide to write the case assessment plan. Please just write 1800 words.

Dear Writer,

I have attached 4 documents for the essay. These 4 documents are including the case Nicoletta story, a guide for you to write the essay, an example of case study and a case study CRA. Please follow the guide to complete this essay.

In this essay, Part 2: Assessment plan (up to 1100 words in total)

In this part you will detail four assessment tools (e.g., questionnaires/a diary/observation)

that you will use to measure the presenting problem, the perpetuating factor(s), and/or

protective factors. You should have one assessment tool that captures the presenting

problem. You should have two assessment tools that focus on perpetuating factors and one

tool that focuses on a protective factor. For example, in the above example of someone

with alcohol problems you might use the Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire for

the presenting problem, the Alcohol Expectancy Profile and the Alcohol Refusal Self-efficacy

Questionnaire for the perpetuating factors, and the Perceived Support Scale for the

protective factor.

Under a subheading for each assessment tool, present a brief description of the measure

(one sentence covering what the measure is used for, how many items it has, what

subscales might be present, and the response type (e.g., 5-point Likert scale), followed by a

short review of empirical literature on the reliability and validity of the tool (275 words each).

Of the four assessment tools you choose, at least three must be questionnaires. You can

choose a diary/observational method for one of the assessment tools if you prefer. There

are a few things to think about in terms of whether you include a diary/observational

method. You’ll need to consider how you would argue for the validity and reliability of an

observational method / diary (we’ll talk about this in class), as well as the utility of the tool

(how long it takes, who does it, how often its done, how you might preserve/maximise

reliability of the measure, etc).

Please contact me if you have any questions, thanks.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Quitting the Relationship and Wanted to Speak to Someone
Nicoletta is a 43-year-old accountant who works for a large firm. She is married to John, a 48-year-old man with whom she has been married for about 21 years. They have two children, one who is 18 years old and the other who is 20 years old. Nicoletta phoned Lifeline lately to discuss her continuing relationship issues with John; she stated she had been seriously considering quitting the relationship and wanted to speak to someone about how to approach the subject with John. She told about how sad she'd been, how long the difficulties had been going on, and how lonely she'd felt.
Part I. Formulation
Predisposing Factors
Nicoletta comes from a well-educated and well-off family, and she remembers being "progressive" on a variety of social topics. Her parents instilled a strong sense of organization and curiosity in her, and their dinner conversations were often peppered with current world topics. On the other hand, alternative or nonmainstream opinions were often greeted with forceful and rigid replies from a parent in John's home. Initially, their mutual attraction might have been influenced by disparities in family-of-origin communicant manner. John saw Nicoletta's other world – academia and a professional job – as intriguing and excellent for their financial well-being in the future. Nicoletta appreciated John and his family's open and honest attitude.
Precipitating Factors
Nicoletta remembers some passionate conversations with John in their early years about whether our hospitals should provide treatments to those with nicotine addiction, refugee treatment, press freedom, and other social justice problems. She felt more estranged from John over time, as if he didn't comprehend her viewpoints, as if she was truly alone. She frequently wished she could be with someone who could speak about important topics without, as Nicoletta would put it, continuously reducing complicated issues. They avoided talking about anything other than the mundane happenings of the day since the problems had gotten so tense.
Perpetuating Factors
Nicoletta remembers some passionate disagreements with John in their early years about whether our hospitals should provide treatments to those with nicotine addiction, refugee treatment, press freedom, and other social justice problems. She felt more estranged from John over time, as if he didn't comprehend her viewpoints, as if she was truly alone. She frequently wished she could be with someone who could speak about important topics without, as Nicoletta would put it, continuously reducing complicated issues.
Negative thoughts may lead to psychological suffering, according to a social-cognitive perspective. Cognitive distortions, in which experiences are processed biased, may drive negative thinking. This cognitive distortion ignores contextual distinctions in their perspectives on life and how they would generally approach life. Avoidance may also contribute to psychological anguish. Nicoletta seems to be avoiding behavior by refusing to discuss anything other than their day's superfluous occurrences with her spouse.
Protective Factors
She told about how sad she'd been, how long the difficulties had been going on, and how lonely she had felt. She expressed concern about the implications of their divorce on their two children as she considered quitting the relationship. The children are still living at home, and she feels that separating them would be disastrous for both.
Part II. Assessment Plan
Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales-21 (DASS-21)
The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21) is a standard clinical evaluation measure that examines depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms. The questionnaire has 21 items, each rated on a scale from zero to four (Lee, 2019). The DASS-21 is better than the DASS-42 because it has a more clear factor structure and can be finished in a shorter amount of time. Also, the DASS-21 is shorter.
The DASS-21 has very high levels of both its internal consistency and its scale dependability. A total of 502 persons from the United States were used to research the DASS-21 component concerned with structure and internal consistency (mean age 44) (Yohannes et al., 2019). After conducting a CFA, it was discovered that the three-factor structure has a great match (RMSEA = 0.07), which is in line with the findings of the prior studies. They came to the conclusion that the anxiety and stress subscales both exhibited high levels of internal consistency (Cronbach's alphas of.80 and.84, respectively) but that the depression subscale had an exceptional level of internal consistency (=.91) (Pezirkianidis et al., 2018). The study revealed that depression had a Cronbach's alpha value of.85, whereas anxiety had a value of.81, and stress had a value of.88.
Additionally, the convergent validity of the DASS-21 is exceptionally high-quality. The study included information from 1794 participants from the United Kingdom, with their average age being 41. A strong association was found between the DASS-21 and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (r =.78) and the Personal Disturbance Scale (r =.72). Both the DASS-21 and existing measures of psychological distress exhibit significant correlations, which is indicative of a high level of convergent validity (Moore et al., 2017). The findings of this ancient study are in line with those of more recent research, even though the study itself is rather old (Lee et al., 2019). In addition to having substantial convergent validity, it has been shown that the DASS-21 has high discriminant and nomological validity.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 (GAD-7)
Anxiety over the future and excessive concern are hallmarks of a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Using a 0-3 scale, patients indicate how often they've engaged in seven different types of nervous behavior in the last two weeks (Zhong et al., 2015). Anxiety may be mild, moderate, or severe, with a rating of 5, 10, or 15 indicating the severity of the anxiety.
There has been extensive testing of this questionnaire, which is internally consistent. Furthermore, it is dependable and has a high validity (Tong et al., 2016). Other studies back up the GAD-7's validity and efficacy as a screening and severity assessment tool for generalized anxiety disorder in clinical and research settings.
There are seven GAD-7 questions, and each one has a score based on how many points are given to the response categories ranging from 0 (not at all), 1 (some), 2 (a lot), and 3 (nearly every) (Seo et al., 2015). For mild, moderate, and severe anxiety, the thresholds are 5, 10, and 15 points (Rutter & Brown, 2017). The use of a screening instrument with a score of 10 or above urges more research.
With a threshold of 10, the GAD-7 has a specificity of 82.22% and an 89.9% sensitivity. This test has a high sensitivity of 66% and a specificity of 81% for detecting anxiety disorders, including panic attacks and social phobias like post-traumatic stress disorder (Mossman et al., 2017).
Cognitive Distortions Questionnaire (CD-Quest)
In the CD-Quest, 15 questions measure the frequency and severity of 15 cognitive distortions, such as labeling and unfair comparisons. A four-point scale is used to rate frequency, whereas a three-point scale is used to rate intensity (De Oliveira et al., 2015). People with depressive symptoms and stress, like Nicoletta, respond well to the CD-ability Quest to detect cognitive distortions.
The CD-validity Quest was investigated using exploratory factor analysis on a sample of 906 US undergraduates (Morrison et al., 2015). They found that the CD-Quest had excellent face validity, a unitary factor structure, and excellent internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha =.88). A younger group was employed in this study, but the findings are in line with those of earlier studies that drew on older participants.
Convergent and discriminant validity has also been shown for the CD-Quest. One hundred twenty-six people (average age 32) diagnosed with an anxiety condition were studied in a clinical sample for convergent and discriminant validity (Kaplan et al., 2017). Regarding anxiety measure...
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