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Psychology of Use of Weapon of Mass Destruction

Essay Instructions:

First, select a newer scholarly journal article (no older than 2015) relevant to the course regarding the US national response to weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or the psychological impact of an WMD attack on the population. Then conduct an article review of that article. It must be related to the course or course materials. The intent is for students to do some external research away from the provided references and find an Article in the AMU/APUS Library. Students should search the library's online databases, such as ProQuest, EbscoHost, and others, to find scholarly or peer-reviewed articles.
Additionally, the review of the journal article is an evaluation of the article's strengths, weaknesses, and validity. It is used to inform of the article's value through your explanation, interpretation, and analysis. As you do this, ask the major questions that are central to the review process:
1. What is the purpose of this article?
2. Why is it important to investigate or examine the subject of the article?
3. How are the authors carrying out the task? Are their methods and comments appropriate and adequate to the task?
4. What do they claim to have found out? Are the findings clearly stated?
5. How does this advance knowledge in the field?
Hint: These would make really good section titles for your paper.
Your work should consist of:
Introduction (this will have a well-defined purpose statement in your intro paragraph that provides guidance to the reader about what you are going to cover in your paper)
Body (feel free to use sub-headings if necessary)
Conclusion (this wraps up the key points of your work and brings your paper to a logical conclusion)
Technical Requirements
Your paper must be at a minimum of 5 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Psychology of Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name

Psychology of Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) are chemical, nuclear, or biological weapons that can cause massive loss of lives or property destruction. “Weapons of Mass Destruction and Modern Terrorism: Implications for Global Security” by Nduka Lucas Oluka and Ike Okoro indicates that the most significant threat that humanity encounters today is the use of WMD and terrorism. According to the Homeland Security Information Act 1366 (HSIA, 2003), WMD entails any biological, radioactive, explosive, or chemical agent or device that can cause extensive damage to properties, injuries to individuals, and death to numerous people in a single or series of acts. Well-known terrorist groups, such as Boko Haram, Taliban, al-Qaeda, and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), can acquire WMD and use them like in the case of the Syrian sarin gas attack in 1995. During the September 11, 2001 attacks, al-Qaeda used passenger airplanes as WMD, killing over 3,000 people (Okoro & Oluka, 2019). The effects of WMD are catastrophic, and a weapon the size of an apple can destroy multiple properties and cause the death of many people within seconds. The article review portrays the psychology of use and danger of WMD, particularly when they get into the wrong hands of terrorist groups.
The Purpose of the Article
The article shows the psychological impacts of WMD when they are acquired by organized terrorist organizations, such as the Taliban, ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram. One similar objective among all these terrorist groups is that they want to have deadly weapons to instill fear or intimidate the United States of America’s (USA) government, other countries, and corporations (O’Donohue, 2017). In that light, terrorists can do anything to acquire WMD to sabotage resources and request favors from the government as they deem fit. Okoro and Oluka depict that WMD can cause significant damages to properties and loss of lives. For instance, Aum Shinrikyo, a Japan-based religious movement, used a colorless, odorless, and highly toxic gas, sarin, in Tokyo subway in 1995 to kill 13 people and cause respiratory injuries to more than 5,500 individuals (Okoro & Oluka, 2019). Terrorist groups use WMD to foster radical approaches and engage in unwholesome actions on their targets. As such, the international community, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), and the Intelligence Community must stay on the lookout to ensure that renowned terrorist groups do not have access to WMD since they can use them for their selfish gains. One of the primary aims of the article is to show the challenges WMD can pose to the public if it gets into the hands of terrorist groups. The second objective is to examine appropriate measures that can be adopted to ensure that terrorists do not acquire WMD to undermine national security. In particular, every terrorist group wants to be feared the most, and the only way to achieve that is by acquiring WMD. If ISIS can acquire nuclear weapons, it can make powerful governments like the USA obey their orders. In other words, WMD can be used by terrorist groups to further their inhumane agendas.
The Importance of Investigating or Examining the Subject of the Article
WMD and terrorism are critical subjects to focus on since they significantly affect international security. Chemical, radioactive, nuclear, and biological weapons can cause the extinction of humanity if not handled well. Based on the USA Department of Defense (DOD), terrorism involves threats or unlawful violence meant to inculcate fear to intimidate or coerce societies or governments to pursue religious, ideological, or political goals (Okoro & Oluka, 2019). Currently, the acquisition of WMD suits the strategy of numerous terrorist groups. WMDs are effective in causing a significant number of casualties, which is why renowned terrorist organizations can do anything to acquire these weapons. Terrorists want to possess WMD since they know that such weapons are difficult to control and that they can use them to persuade governments in various ways to contribute to their self-centered goals. WMD are dangerous since their attacks can occur silently such that only their adverse effects will be seen or felt by the targeted population. For example, in 2013, a Syrian terrorist group used chemical weapons that killed more than 1,500 individuals in Ghouta village (Okoro & Oluka, 2019). Moreover, the ever-increasing cyber-attack threat carried out by well-organized criminal organizations or terrorists can hack nuclear facilities and detonate nuclear weapons, sabotage systems from proper functioning, jam communication systems, and cause harmful and unpredictable explosions. Some of the psychological symptoms that people might suffer from WMD are similar to that of coronavirus, namely anxiety, depression, uncertainty, and frustration (Serafini et al., 2020). Notably, it is essential to study the implications of WMD to ensure that the world is safeguarded from nuclear, biological, chemical, or radioactive attacks; despite the growing digitalization, computerization, and complexity of nuclear infrastructure and operations, which might increase the access and vulnerability of WMD to terrorist groups.
How Authors Are Carrying Out the Task
Okoro and Oluka have used methods and comments that are appropriate to the task at hand. They make it clear that WMD can cause significant adverse effects on humans and destruction to properties. The authors adopted qualitative, explorative, and comparative research methodologies to examine the psychological impacts of the use of WMD. For example, contemporary terrorist groups, such as ISIS, al-Qae...
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