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Psychology of Persuasion

Essay Instructions:

Reflection 3:

Reflect on what you have learned thus far about Robert Cialdini’s ‘weapons of influence.’ Pick a person (my supervisor in our architecture firm that I work in as an architectural designer.) you want to influence and brainstorm how you could effectively persuade them using at least three of the principles in Influence.

Name who you are trying to persuades/influence, what you would like them to do

(The Behavoior i want to influence, is convincing my supervisor in the architecture firm I work in to let me teach and run a architecture hand drawing class for the new recruits, because in architecture new technology is important, but even so the design and intuition an architect can get from drawing a building or a detail gives the architect insights into how the things will fit together, how they will interact with the users and environment around it. My supervisors believes that this is not worth the time because these are intro level workers and there is no points in involving the young recruits in the design phase because my supervisor comes from an archane systems which is not that useful anymore),

state what 3 principles you would use, and how you would use them (i.e., what you would say or do based on those principles.

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(Double-spaced, font size 12, 2-3 pages. No need to cite, this is a reflection and your impressions/interpretations.)


Reflection Rubric

Reflection Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTHOUGHTFULNESS

Reflection thoughtfully addresses the assignment prompt

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGRAMMAR, SPELLING, & PAGE COUNT

Reflection is free of grammar and spelling mistakes and meets page requirements

1 pts

Total Points: 5

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Psychology of Persuasion
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Psychology of Persuasion
Cialdini says that psychologists can predict human reactions towards specific cues since they have automatic triggers. He uses an example of how turkey naturally responds to baby turkeys' "cheep cheep" sound. Mother turkeys pay attention to the baby turkeys when they make the "cheep cheep" sound and ignore or even kill one that does not make the sound. Naturally, cats and turkeys are enemies, but when scientists put the "cheep cheep" sound in a staffed polecat, the turkey automatically showed its nurturing behavior. An example of this automatic response is the perception that expensive equals good. A salesperson would introduce potential buyers to a suit that is of average quality but cheap, then to another that is more expensive. The buyers are likely to buy the more expensive suit because it has been perceived as of better quality than the former.
Cialdini has explained various principles that can be used to either persuade or manipulate others into exactly doing what you want. The principle of reciprocation; humans naturally hate to be indebted to others. This, therefore, makes them obliged to paying back favors given to them with an even more enormous favor. People who understand this principle use the door in the face technique whereby they offer the target audience a smaller gift, for example, offering flowers to get donations at fundraising.
The principle of authority states that human beings often respond to commands given by those in higher positions or have been perceived to have authority figures such as academic qualifications and expensive vehicles and uniforms. The principle of contrast suggests that when one is subjected to two similar things, one after the other, they are likely to perceive them to be more different than they are. For example, When a real estate agent wants to sell a house, they show clients houses that are not pleasing before showing them the nice-looking houses. This makes them look even better when compared. Also, automobile dealers would show potential clients the most expensive item then proceed to show them those that cost less this makes them look cheaper in comparison.
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