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Psychological and Behavioural Science Concepts

Essay Instructions:

Psychology and Behavioural Science Concepts Questions -4

State the meaning of the following concepts. Describe six of its MOST important characteristics. Label them from 1 to 6. Rank them from the most important to the least important. Remember to paraphrase them from your sources. You can use one reference for more than one concept.

  • Problem-focused coping
  • Misattribution of emotion
  • Indicators of abnormality
  • Locus of control (internal)
  • Locus of control (external)
  • Emotion-focused coping
  • Irreversibility
  • Bystander effect
  • Obsessive-Compulsive disorder
  • Diffusion of responsibility
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Psychology and Behavioural Science Concepts

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Psychology and Behavioural Science Concepts

Psychological and behavioral science is a discipline that helps to comprehend the motivations underlying people's decisions, actions, and inactions, either socially, emotionally, or environmentally. Practical ways are also established to explain and help control harmful psychological behavior. This paper explores some applicable psychological and behavioral concepts and their characteristics. 

Problem-Focused Coping

Problem-focused coping enhances a person's capacity to manage stressful events through practical and positive coping techniques. This approach illustrates that psychopathology symptoms are frequently interpreted as the unfavorable effects of inefficient or non-adaptive coping mechanisms (Carroll, 2020). 


Problem-focused coping is solution-oriented; therefore, this approach assists victims in developing realistic actions to lessen mental unrest and improve their coping.

The second principle is active engagement, which results in goal-oriented actions through facilitating the development and application of workable solutions to address the underlying cause of stress.

The third trait is analytical thinking, as this approach evaluates the stressor to develop effective coping solutions.

The fourth element of the problem-focused approach is adaptability. Adaptability enables patients to be flexible enough to modify their tactics in response to the changing demands of the stressor (Carroll, 2020).

Additionally, utilizing available support networks and resources enhances accuracy in understanding the causes of stressors and formulating a credible solution.

Lastly, at its core, problem-focused coping makes people feel more in control, thus enabling them to reduce the adverse effects of stress on their health actively.

Misattribution of Emotions

The second intervention is the misattribution of emotions, which upholds the idea that people misjudge what leads them to particular emotions and may be linked to incorrect stimuli. 


The most noticeable trait is misunderstanding of origins, where feelings are attributed to incorrect stimuli or occasions, thus causing an exaggerated emotional response (Warwick, 2023). 

The second characteristic is memory distortion, where memories of intense experiences might be inaccurate. 

The third ideology on this concept is mental conflict, which explains the contradiction between emotion's perceived and real causes. 

Also, misattribution of emotions is characterized by interpersonal relationships people hold and how conflicting emotions can jeopardize them. 

The fifth trait is this concept's influence on behavior, whereby emotions may greatly influence decision-making and behavior. Therefore, misattribution of emotions can cause behavior based on false emotional assessments. 

Lastly, this concept is also linked to increased emotional reactions, whereby emotion's perceived and actual causes do not align. Therefore, people may react emotionally in abnormally strong ways. 

Indicators of Abnormality

Another key concept of psychological evaluation is indicators of abnormality, which offers a framework for comprehending actions, ideas, or emotions different from accepted social standards. 

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