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PS562 Unit 4 DB

Essay Instructions:
For the target behavior you described in your Unit 3 Discussion Board post, complete a “Functional Analysis Screening Tool” (FAST). Upload your completed FAST as a PDF attachment to your discussion board post. In your own words, describe the outcome of the FAST, including the raw data and the data summary. Then, discuss the implication(s) of the outcomes. Finally, given your experience completing the FAST, summarize the requirements of an informant.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Functional Analysis Screening Tool (FAST) Student Name Institution Course Professor Date Functional Analysis Screening Tool (FAST) After completing the Functional Analysis Screening Tool for the target behavior of inappropriate vocalization, two predominant functions of the client's behavior were social-positive and social-negative reinforcement. This characterized behavior occurs through positive peer reactions to such things as laughter or approval and the escape or avoidance of unfavorable demands. The outcome of the FAST Strong correlations with social contingencies were seen in the raw data from the FAST. Consistently, 'Yes' responses were reported to questions on peer attention (like peers laughing or approving) and escape from work (such as cursing to avoid participation). Specifically: * Social-positive reinforcement: Four "Yes" responses to questions aimed at attention-seeking behaviors. * Social-negative reinforcement: Four other 'Yes' responses related to avoidance of tasks or discomfort resulting from demands. Automatic reinforcement (sensory stimulation) and pain attenuation (related to physical discomfort) scores were particularly low, with no strong associations...
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