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Proposal Research Method Draft

Essay Instructions:
Hello, The current assignment is attached and titled Paper 3 - Proposal Method Draft which has the grading rubric, and Paper 3 - TEMPLATE, which is where the assignment will be modeled from. This assignment is a continuation of several assignments and will ultimately lead to a final research proposal. I have attached all of the article sources and previous assignments. Feel free to use any of the articles in order to complete this assignment or add and cite any articles if you would like. I would like for the paper to be done by 6 PM EST tomorrow 01 April 2024. If you need extra time, let me know. Let me know if you need extra pages. The following are warnings and extra guidance on the assignment submission page. "This assignment submission will be uploaded to Unicheck and scanned for evidence of plagiarism. A report will be generated and the results will be made available to the instructor of this course. By clicking this box, you acknowledge that this assignment submission is your own original work or that you have been granted permission to submit this on behalf of a student. For additional information regarding plagiarism, please refer to the Student Code of Conduct." "Reminder: Before submitting, please be sure that you 1) reviewed the rubric, 2) ensured the content is your own, 3) cited correctly, and 4) verified that NO QUOTES are contained in the document (per course policy) -- Exception: sample items used in the measurement section of your methodology can be quoted with proper citation. "
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Proposal Research Method Draft Student Name Department of Psychology, Wayne State University PSY 2020: Research Methods TA Name Date Research Question What is the relationship between parenting practice and cyberbullying? Hypothesis It is hypothesized that poor parental practices have a positive association with an increased risk of cyberbullying among adolescents. Proposed Method Cyberbullying is a significant concern among adolescents, with detrimental effects on their mental health and well-being. Previous research on this issue has focused on various factors, including peer relationships, individual characteristics, and school environments. Mesch (2009) examined parental mediation, internet behaviors, and cyberbullying, Agatston et al. (2007) examined students' views on cyberbullying, and Wölfer et al. (2013) examined school cyberbullying prevention measures. There is a lack of substantial research that focuses explicitly on the correlation between parental practices and cyberbullying. This proposed research seeks to address this gap by investigating the relationship between parenting practices and cyberbullying among adolescents. Participants A study on parental practices associated with cyberbullying must target parents or guardians who have children who are active or can navigate simple digital technology devices with ease. The study will focus on recruiting adequate participants from various demographic backgrounds and ensure the generalizability of the results. The aim will be at least 200 participants who are parents of children aged 13 to 18 years and balanced distribution in terms of males and females. Moreover, the personal investigator will ensure that recruitment accounts for as many ethnicities and races in this nation as possible to capture the variations in parenting practices in different cultural contexts. The inclusion criteria will be based on the individual's age and willingness to participate. The exclusion criteria will be individuals without children or with children outside the age of 13 and 18 years and failure to provide informed consent. Furthermore, participants will be recruited in community centers, schools, and social media platforms that adolescents frequently visit. The information included in the recruitment materials is the study purpose, procedures, and participant's rights. The participants will provide informed consent by filling out consent forms that will outline the study purpose, procedures, and potential benefits and risks that the study will have to participants and the community in general. However, this study will have no compensation token, which will also be disclosed during recruitment to ensure transparency. A thank you note will be incorporated in the final compilation of the project as an appreciation for participants'...
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