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Popular Media Claims and Scientific Study Evidence on Employee Performance

Essay Instructions:

Find a popular media claims and a scientific research study of employee performance and follow the requirement below

●        Format: 3-5 typed pages (5 maximum), double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font. Page count does not include final page with citations for both articles.

●        Content:  

  • Be sure to complete all three sections described below
  • Final page has APA citations for both the popular media and scientific articles.
  • Avoid plagiarism – write in your own words – Your papers will be checked through TurnItIn.com.
  • Proofread! Read it for clarity and typos.  If we can’t understand what you mean, you don’t get credit!
  1. Popular media claims (<1 page): Find a media report, aimed at the public or managers, for what helps improve individuals’ performance at work. Avoid articles that focus on organizational performance, competitive advantage, etc. These can come from newspapers, Forbes, BusinessWeek, Fast Company, or others (see last page for more details). Be sure the research on which the article is based comes from a peer-reviewed scientific article published in a journal! Avoid “executive reports” or summaries from consulting firms that have not been peer reviewed (see below for more detail). Outcomes of interest could include (but are not limited to):

            - job performance (or productivity, efficiency)

- job success (income, salary, promotions)

- creativity/innovation

- organizational citizenship behavior (prosocial behavior, helping behavior, altruism)

- counterproductive behavior (absences, theft, aggression)

- Describe the headline of the popular press article and the conclusions that seem to be drawn about the scientific study from the headline.

- Describe the method that would be/would have been necessary to support the popular article’s claim. Refer to chapter 2 in the book and our class discussion about research methods. Tips for searching for articles are listed below.

  1. Scientific study evidence (1-2 pages): Find, summarize, and analyze the actual research article that the media is based on. Typically, the popular press article provides a link to the scientific article.  [Note: If you have trouble finding it, you can use a study that tests that same relationship.]. Again, be sure this is published in a scientific journal!

            - What methods did they use to test your relationship of interest?

            - How is this method, sample, and/or measure limited? 

- What are the challenges in trying to test this type of performance, and how does the scientific article deal with them? For example, if the DV (dependent variable) is CWBs, what are the issues the researchers may have faced in trying to truly capture employees’ CWBs? Another example: if the DV is creativity, what might be some issues in trying to capture/measure creativity? How did the scientific article capture/measure creativity?

            - Use terms, theories, and issues from Chapter 2 and Ch.’s 5 and 6 (performance).

  1. Conclude with implications for practitioners and scientists (1-2 pages). 

- Evaluate the media report’s accuracy and describe how you would change the headline to be more accurate.

- If you wouldn’t change the headline, describe why not.

- What would the popular article lead HR/managers to do if they followed the media report?

- What does the actual study suggest they should do (think about causality)?

- What additional research would be needed to meet the claims of popular media article?



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Comparing Popular and Scientific Views on Productive Workers
Institution Affiliation
Comparing Popular and Scientific Views on Productive Workers
Popular Media Claims
The article by Business Daily titled Employee Involvement that enhances productivity discusses various factors that determine the productivity of employees in a workplace. The author highlights four ways management can improve workers’ morale and productivity. He mainly dwells on methods employers can use to improve employee engagement and productivity. The article claims that employees’ performance is bound to improve if they are allowed to make independent decisions concerning various work-related issues. Workers are also expected to perform optimally if they access relevant and adequate information because they will be in a position to make informed decisions. In addition, according to this article, equipping employees with relevant skills and knowledge is crucial in improving their effectiveness. Lastly, the report highlights employee appreciation through rewards as a crucial way of enhancing productivity. Recognizing employees’ hard work by rewarding them can improve their morale and entice them to get more involved in the organization’s activities. Therefore, the article hypothesizes that if the company management increases employees’ involvement by enhancing these four aspects, individual workers’ productivity will improve significantly. While the report has provided valuable information regarding enhancing workers’ productivity, the information would be more reliable if the author applied the recommended research methods, including surveys, interviews, secondary data analysis/archival study, and experiments. One of the methods that would have been used to support this article’s claims is conducting surveys among employees from different organizations, seeking to determine whether they feel motivated when their employers enhance their involvement in organizational matters. Surveys are crucial in obtaining first-hand information and would play an essential role in supporting claims made by the current article. Equally, secondary data analysis would be more useful in supporting the claims of this article. Such analysis entails scrutinizing peer-reviewed articles by respected scholars to obtain important information concerning employee productivity.
Scientific Study Evidence
The article Effective Employee Engagement in the Workplace by Osborne and Hammoud (2017) is about a study that tested the hypothesis that employee involvement enhances productivity. To determine whether there is a positive relationship between employee involvement/engagement and their productivity in the workplace, the authors used a research method referred to as semi-structured interviews. This data collection technique entails asking questions within a predetermined thematic framework. The interviewer i...
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