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Plan for Stimulus Control Over Desired Behavior

Essay Instructions:

Identify a personal behavior that you would like to increase, perhaps revisiting a New Year's resolution that you've made in the past that you haven't been able to keep. By referencing the information you've learned so far, discuss some reasons why you think the behavior hasn't generalized or been maintained over time. Then, consider how you might plan for stimulus control over your desired behavioral response(s). What are some methods that you can discuss for more successful maintenance and generalization of your behaviors over time, settings, and situations?

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Unit 7 Discussion

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Unit 7 Discussion

In our daily life, daily activities are usually carried out in the presence of certain cues or circumstances that indicates that they are within a given stimulus control construct. Goal-oriented activities are essential behaviors whose performance is based on a person's knowledge regarding the value of the strengthening results. This paper reflects on my incapability to sustain regular exercises over the years, the role of stimulus control, and strategies to effectively generalize and sustain the projected habit.

Regular exercise is an integral personal behavior I intend to increase. Over the past few years, I have made this resolution, but it has been difficult for me to maintain it over time. One possible reason for my incapacity to meet my behaviors might be that I

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