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Personality and Academic Performance

Essay Instructions:

Over the past three weeks, you have been exposed to many concepts, theories, and terms related to psychology. Now is the time to make personal application to the concepts. This personal application of concepts learned is one of the things that makes psychology such an interesting area of study. Not all courses of study have such a direct application to our own lives. You will research and write about the following topics:

"To what extent does your personality influence your academic performance"

Define Personality.

Define personality traits.

How do your personality traits influence your academic performance?

What approaches could you take to ensure success in your studies?

You will read and research at least four scholarly sources from the Keiser Online Library and then identify, discuss, and place this concept in proper context in your own life. After you have identified this concept, you will then explain ways this concept can be applied to your own life with examples. I hope you enjoy your research and this personal application.

Make sure to support each one with citations and references from your scholarly sources. Utilize the final paper example listed below to ensure that your sections are set up correctly.

DOWNLOAD: Term Paper Model- Personality & Academics.docx

You are required to write at least 800 words in a Word document. This paper is worth 20% of your grade. Please use the APA format, cite and list at least four (4) sources from the___Online Library. There is an APA paper example listed below. To submit your paper, click on the Applying Psychology to My Life Paper link under Week 3. Then click on the View/Complete link at the bottom of the page. Then attach your paper. Follow the directions below for a step-by-step process.

Assignment Requirements (Use as a checklist):

Use an APA Approved Font

Title page in APA 7th edition

Double-spaced paper

Minimum of 800 words. No more than 1,300 words

Minimum of four (4) cited sources from the Keiser Online Library

Reference page in APA 7th edition

Use APA format and citations (see below)

Do not use direct quotes, everything must be written completely in your own words, paraphrasing and citing.

Has an introduction and a conclusion section

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personality and Academic Performance
Institution Affiliation
According to the American Psychology Association, the general definition of personality is that it is the overall characteristics and behaviors that give an individual a distinctive character. These characteristics and behaviors consist of individuals' ability to adjust in life and their unique qualities; emotions, self-esteem, drives, interest and hobbies, self-concept, and skills. Generally, personality is the details that make an individual ordinary or unique. Various factors influence an individual's personality, such as emotions, upbringing, family background, social environment, people they associate with, temperament, and health conditions such as autism. For instance, an individual brought up in a family of drunkards and angry parents may portray a different personality from an individual brought up with loving and caring parents. This is because the environment influences the personality of the individuals through personal experience. In addition, the way an individual perceives and feels about themselves affects their personality. For instance, if individuals are always inspired and think they are born to achieve greatness, they most likely portray a competitive personality with a winning mentality.
How others perceive and make us feel affects or changes our personality. For instance, in the case of a demotivated student whose parents, teachers, and peers consider them a loser, they might show signs of low self-esteem and performance. According to behavioralist John Wiston, the cause of measurable and observable human (animal) activities is caused by a response to the environment and conditioning ( Malone, 2014). I am very competitive and I believe I can be anything I want. I inspire to achieve greatness in school and my career. This motivates me to work hard, and my parents support my decision. This stemmed from my parents, who are happy in their careers and inspire me to follow my dreams.
Personality Trait
Personal traits contemplate an individual's characteristics and behavioral patterns. Further, it reflects on the stability, consistency, and pattern of feelings and thought processes. Notably, Personality trait varies from one individual to another. Even though there are five recognizable features, extensive research over time established more than 4000 personality traits. The five personalities include; Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (Anima, 2022). Consequently, extraversion is associated with sociability, Conscientiousness with thoughtfulness, Openness with creativity, Agreeableness with kindness, and Ne...
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