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Peer-Delivered Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services in Singapore

Essay Instructions:

Singapore Social Work: Psychiatric Rehabilitation Assignment

Total length limit of your paper should be 1100 words, including in-text citations but excluding references. It should be typewritten, double-spaced, with a 1-inch margin all around, and a Times New Roman font size of 12.

Referencing should be according to APA7 guidelines.

You must cite at least FOUR RECENT academic references in the paper. You are not allowed to cite any news articles as references.


Indeed, “recovery is … a deeply, unique process of changing one’s attitudes, values, feelings, goals, skills, and/or roles. It is a way of living a satisfying, hopeful, and contributing life, even with the limitations caused by illness. Recovery involves the development of new meaning and purpose in one’s life as one grows beyond the catastrophic effects of mental illness” (Anthony, 1993, p.15). Hence, a positive self-concept is crucial for personal recovery, and practising self-care is essential to prevent or recover from mental health challenges. Peer support can be a helpful avenue for individuals struggling with their conditions to regain a positive self-concept.

  1. Identify and explain THREE (3) different types of peer-delivered programmes/services in SINGAPORE. Identify and explain each category will give you 12 marks. Subsequently, appraise SIX (6) common ingredients that are found across these THREE peer-delivered programmes/services. One ingredient will give you 2 marks, and adding up to a total of 12 marks.

Research and provide illustrations of TWO (2) peer support programmes/services in the SINGAPORE local context that are specially designed for adults with severe and persistent psychiatric conditions (excluding organic mental disorders and addiction issues). (8 marks for each peer support service x2 = 16 marks). You must write the NAME, overview and describe the peer support service. You should be able to find the description of the peer support services on internet

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Peer-Delivered Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services in Singapore

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Peer-Delivered Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services in Singapore

Psychiatric rehabilitation in Singapore is increasingly focusing on the importance of peer support in the recovery process. As highlighted by Anthony (1993), recovery from mental illness involves profound changes in attitudes, values, feelings, goals, skills, and roles. A positive self-concept and self-care play crucial roles in this process. This paper will identify and explain three different types of peer-delivered programs/services in Singapore and appraise six common ingredients found across them. Additionally, it will research and provide illustrations of two peer support programs/services specifically designed for adults with severe and persistent psychiatric conditions.

Three Types of Peer-Delivered Programs/Services in Singapore

Clubhouses for Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Clubhouses are community-based programs that provide psychosocial support, vocational rehabilitation, and social integration for individuals with severe and persistent mental illnesses. In Singapore, the Club HEAL (Hope, Empowerment, Acceptance, and Love) is a prominent example (Gun & Leong, 2016). Club HEAL gives its members, who are called "friends," a safe and helpful place to do different tasks and learn important life skills (Gun & Leong, 2016). These clubhouses stress how important group support is for feeling like you fit and growing as a person.

Peer Support Groups

Peer support groups in Singapore are places where people with similar mental health problems can get together and help each other. The Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) offers group support through a variety of projects and events (Ng & Barlas, 2023). People may easily meet certified mental health volunteers on the SOS portal (Ng & Barlas, 2023). Through discussions and one-on-ones, support groups provide empathy, understanding, and support. These actions bring hope and aid recovery.

Peer-Led Education and Training

Peer-led education and training initiatives in Singapore are designed to provide persons with mental illnesses with the knowledge and abilities they need to manage their disorders effectively. The Institute of Mental Health (IMH) in Singapore offers courses, including "Peer Specialist Training" (Shaw et al., 2021). Through advice-giving, problem-solving techniques, and serving as

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