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Write a Null and Alternate Hypothesis for each example used.

Essay Instructions:

Based on the variables you presented in the second discussion write a Null and Alternate Hypothesis for each example used.

1. If reliability is high, then validity most likely is high as well.

2. If Researcher A uses a test that Researcher B built a year ago and documented as being reliable, then Researcher A can use that test today and have full confidence that it will be reliable for him/her too.

3. If Larry's IQ score is 4 points higher than Mary's IQ score, then we have a legitimate right to say that Larry is more intelligent than Mary.

Ho: Null

Ha: Alternate

The chapter on hypothesis testing offers many different examples of null and alternate hypothesis. Once you've stated your hypotheses, then read the final section of the chapter, The Meaning of Significance.

In 3-4 sentences discuss whether or not you think the tests of your hypotheses may be significant in casual everyday language and in terms of statistical significance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Null/alternate hypothesis

1. If reliability is high, then validity most likely is high as well.
In psychology and social sciences, it is necessary to measure and quantify the expression of a construct, which is difficult to measure directly or explicitly. In assessing the measuring instruments or indicators, there is a need to focus on reliability and validity. Reliability is the degree to which the measures of the constructs are repeatable without measurement errors, and the validity of indicators is the degree to which the instrument measures what it intends to measure. The reliability of an instrument influences its validity where the more reliable it is, the greater the validity. As such, the coefficients of validity of a tool are lower than reliability, while validity indirectly informs the researchers about reliability. When there is high validity and high reliability, then the valid scores correlate with other measure constructs and the hypotheses are;
Ho: There is no relationship between reliability and validity
Ha: There is a relationship between reliability and validity
When there are the same types ...
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