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Self Assessment Using Gallup’s Strength Finder Report

Essay Instructions:

MOTIVATION PAPER 1 – TURNING THE LENS AROUND: Research shows that people think more deeply and integrate information better when it is personally meaningful. The fields of positive psychology, motivation, and human resourcesdemonstrate that people perform better when they capitalize on their natural strengths (rather than focus on developing their deficits).

Double-spaced, font size 12, 5-7 pages.

Using Gallup’s Strength Finder Report, write a motivational autobiography.

●The top five strengths you discovered about yourself from the assessment

●What you learned from the findings, i.e., are they in line with how you saw yourself ordid you learn something new?

●What profession are you currently in or want to be in? What strengths are associated withthat profession?( please talk about me currently being an architect and my goal is to have my own proerty devolpemnt and architectural design firm that focuses on sustainable and affordable mixed use building for comerical and residental purposes)

●Do your strengths support this work? If so, how? If not, why not?

●What jobs are best suited for your strengths and why?

●Your thoughts and feeling on these findings, and how you may or may not use this information in your life/career

Strength finder is attached as pdf

and please use ruberic to mae sure we get all the points

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Top 5 Strengths Competition is a quality that makes me believe I am capable of surviving at something. I tend to measure my progress against a situation or the progress of others. After assessing the problem, quality gives me a sense of confidence in winning against all odds. Consequently, I can motivate myself or others around me to a higher standard of performance (leadershipvision, 2014). My second strength characteristic, belief, influence this level of self-confidence. I possess specific core values that are unchanged and dependable in giving my life purpose and direction. The values provide a depth and explanation to my opinions, consequently reflecting some of my values. However, this does not limit my ability to be inspired by the future and the possibilities it can provide. By being futuristic, I can identify and take advantage of an opportunity and, consequently, share with others who drive to improve. Combining this with the strength of belief brings me a sense that life has a deeper meaning. I appreciate intense intellectual debates that seek to challenge common ideas and norms. My intellectual activity relies on the belief that nothing is absolute and allows me to be introspective and keep an open mind (School, 2020). Consequently, I can assess different situations and gauge my odds of mounting a successful competition. Communication is crucial in the ability of an individual to get the best out of intellectual strengths. Strong communication skills enable an individual to put thoughts into words articulately. What you say and how you say it determines if you will capture or retain people's attention. Also, weak communication skills can make listeners deem you as braggadocios for excessively displaying your intellectual strength.     Learning The findings managed to teach and explain some of the behaviours and choices I have made in my lifetime. For instance, my deep-seated desire to be the best in anything I do has enabled me to appreciate the need to achieve top-quality results at any cost. What I have learned during this assessment is that my competitiveness improves my ability to gather insights. To be the best, I analyze other people's behaviours, thoughts, actions and motivations. Consequently, I can explain why I am better equipped to gain the upper hand in the competition. I also create my determinant of success through learning and my experiences to keep up with what it takes to win regularly. However, despite my constant desire to impact, I realize I need to take time and celebrate winnings no matter how small they are. My belief system is responsible for keeping me in check and learning that not everyone will share my drive for successes. This has strengthened my relationships because I refrain from imposing my strong beliefs on others.   Profession Before choosing a career, it is paramount that one learns extensively about him or herself. This includes a value such as interests, soft skills and amplitudes. Personality types play a role in how well anyone would fit in an occupation. A career should not feel like coerced labour; instead, it should bring an individual a sense of fulfilment. Therefore, there needs to be more effort placed in choosing a suitable occupation appropriate to individual traits. My ideal profession is architecture which is a field I feel encompasses all my good qualities. My competition attributes fit perfectly in such an area where numerous firms compete against each other to bring forth new designs for a rapidly developing world. New designs are plenty; however, new designs worth paying attention to are rare; therefore, competition firms create inspirational pieces. Consequently, there have been numerous instances of plagiarism of other peoples designs that stem from competing individuals wanting to win by any means. However, his is not the type of competition as I'd rather compete against myself and come up with the best design to the best of my abilities. This stems from my values and beliefs that deter me from engaging in anything that invalidates my work quality. Therefore, I try my best to stick to the facts and avoid any sensationalism with any opinion I provide. I am also intrigued by the direction architecture will take in the near future due to technology. My goal is to own property development and architectural design firm. Its purpose will be to provide a sustainable and affordable mixed-use building for commercial and residential purposes.   Support I am confident in my competition, beliefs, communication, futuristic and intellection abilities that match the qualities needed to succeed in this field. My perspective on competiti...
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