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Moral Foundations Theory: Various Morality Across Cultures

Essay Instructions:

Answer each question separately.

Question 1: Which of the five core social motives (belonging, understanding, controlling, enhancing self, trusting others) do you think best explains the foundations of morality as discussed in Dr. Jonathan Haidt's talk?

Question 2: Go to yourmorals.org and take the Moral Foundations Questionnaire to find out how you score on the five foundations of morality. Given the information provided in Dr. Jonathan Haidt's talk, how do you understand your score?

Question 3: A system for coding the content of group interactions called interaction process analysis. Think about your last small group encounter of 2-6 people. How would you describe yourself using the three dimensions of this analysis (upward/downward, positive/negative, forward/backward)? Explain.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Moral foundations theory Name Professor Date Introduction The moral foundations theory was developed by social and cultural psychologists to comprehend the reasons for varying morality across cultures. The diverse culture still displays many comparisons and repeated themes. The theory proposes that various distinctive and collectively accessible psychological structures are the foundations of intuitive ethics. Every single culture creates institutions, virtues and narratives on top of these foundations hence creating the unique moralities exhibited around different cultures. It was first established from the concurrent evaluation of existing evolutionary thinking about morality and cross-cultural study on virtues. Question 1: Which of the five core social motives do you think best explains the foundations of morality as discussed in Dr. Jonathan Haidt's talk? The core social motive that explains the foundation of morality according to Dr Jonathan Haidt's talk is understanding,(Clifford et al., 2015). This is where individuals are motivated to create and belong to an accurate shared social understanding. According to Jonathan Haidt, moral systems are linking sets of ethics, norms, virtues, practices, personalities, technology organizations and progressive psychological mechanisms that work together to overpower or control selfishness and make social life possible. The idea that the mind is a blank slate at the time of birth is an incorrect one. Developmental psychology shows that children are born already knowing a lot about the physical and social world. The minds of children are programmed to make it easy for offspring to acquire certain things and also find it challenging to learn others. The original way that the brain is organized is not dependent on experience since nature offers the first draft and lesson reviews it. Inbuilt does not refer to unmalleable, but it merely means planned of experience, (Clifford et al., 2015). The five foundations of morality are the kind of things that are found across species that talked about across disciplines. Harm/care is related to the evolution of human beings as mammals who have an attachment to others and an ability to experience the pain of others. Harm/care underlies virtues of kindness, gentleness and nurturance, especially for the weak and vulnerable in the society. The second foundation is fairness/ reciprocity which relates to the evolutionary progression of shared selflessness and creates ideas of impartiality rights and sovereignty. This consists the foundations of most religious groups. The third foundation is the in-group/loyalty which relates to human beings being originally tribal beings, (Clifford et al., 2015). Individuals can come up with ever-changing alliances, and the foundation inspires qualities of partisanship and self-sacrifice for the group. Human beings are the only ones that form large groups and cooperate with each other. The fourth foundation is authority/respect which is moulded by the long primate history of hierarchal social relations. It motivates the virtues of leadership. It includes the absolute authority and respect for societies. The fifth foundation is purity/sanctity which is formed by the mindset of disgust and uncleanness. It inspires the idea that the body is a sanctuary which can be dishonored by the immoral actions and impurities. Question 2: Go to yourmorals.org and take the Moral Foundations Questionnaire to find out how you score on the five foundations of morality. Given the information provided in Dr Jonathan Haidt's talk, how do you understand your score? After taking the moral foundations question the scores were: harm 3.7, fairness 3.0, loyalty 3.2, authority 4.0 and purity 2.2. Most people ...
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