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The Media on Mental Illness/Health

Essay Instructions:

1.) What does the media tell you, the reader, about your topic of interest? Overall, what does their general perception and/or beliefs seem to be regarding your chosen issue?

2.) After reading these sources, does the media seem to rely on beliefs or knowledge? What's the difference? In other words, does the media supply evidence and fact from reliable sources?

Please state why or why not and give specific examples.

3.) How do your media sources use emotive, euphemisms, or other forms of language expression to communicate and explain their viewpoints to the reader? Again, please give specific examples.

4.) After reading these media sources, what can you now say about your topic of interest?

* Some of these could include newspaper and magazine articles from the New York Times, LA Times, Newsweek, Time, etc.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mental Health/Illness
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Mental Health/Illness
The media is increasingly changing its narrative about mental health and illnesses and believes there is a mental health crisis. Many media reports indicate that mental health has become a crisis, especially in the United States (US). According to Gose (2023) of the New York Times, the US has a mental health crisis because about 20% of Americans live with mental illnesses. Consequently, the demand for mental health services has gone up in recent years, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated lockdowns and social isolation. Another article in the New York Time report that the mental health decline among Americans, especially the youth, predates the pandemic (Richtel, 2022). If anything, the pandemic only exacerbated the issue and made people aware of its seriousness. Other reports in the media agree that the numbers of people living with mental health are high, but this does not indicate a decline in mental health. Rather, it suggests that there is more awareness about mental health and illnesses. According to an article published in the Los Angeles Times, more Americans are willing to talk about their mental health challenges. As a result, it seems as though the number of people living with mental illnesses has increased CITATION New23 \l 1033 (Newberry, 2023). In addition, more Americans believe that there is no shame in living with a mental health condition. Others believe that the mental health crisis narrative does more damage than good. According to an article published in Newsweek, this narrative focuses more on the intensity of mental health challenges in the country rather than the solutions (Kendall-Taylor & Fuligni, 2022). It leaves people feeling more helpless because no tangible solutions are offered, and the healthcare system cannot meet the demand for mental health services (Newberry, 2022).
The media seems to rely more on knowledge than beliefs. Knowledge is built around evidence from research and expert opinions. Beliefs are firmly held views that can be unsubstantiated. The media relies on research reports, surveys, and expert opinions to report on mental health and illnesses. These sources are reliable because their information is scientific and can be refuted or supported by additional scientific evidence. For instance, Newberry (2022), in her article in the Los Angeles Times, uses evidence from research reports by the America Psychological Association and Mental Health America to support her perception of mental health. These organizations rely on research to advance mental health to benefit individuals and communities. Gose (2023) of the New York Times also uses evidence and facts from The National Institute of Mental Health (NIHM) and the American Psychiatric Association to support his report on mental health. These are also reputable organizations involved in mental health issues. The former is a federal agency responsible for research in mental illnesses (NIMH, n.d.), while the latter is a professional organization for psychiatrists....
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