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PSY340 Psychology: Forgetting and Limits of Learning

Essay Instructions:

It seems that some things are easier to learn than others. In this module we examine some of the reasons why some things are more difficult to learn. At the same time, we see why some things seem to come more easily.

Identify and discuss two limits to learning. Make sure you explain why these limits make learning more difficult and in which situations they would make learning more difficult.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Limitations of Learning
Limitations of Learning
Learning is a much larger domain than most people think. Over the years, psychologists have tried to undertake studies to come up with the general principles of learning and memory. One of the things that have come out is that there are factors that limit the learning process. One of the things that limit learning is the physical characteristics (Chance, 2014). For example, by nature, fish cannot jump rope while human beings cannot breathe under water. No matter the efforts that are put to train them to do certain things, there are certain things that one is unable to accomplish under any circumstance. This physical limitation greatly limits the ability for people to learn certain things in life.
Another thing that greatly limits learning is that learned behavior is not learned. Reflexes and fixed action patterns are passed on from one generation to another but the learned behavior ceases once that individual dies. This makes it almost impossible for a species to benefit from the knowledge that its parents had. In most cases, people inherit certain traits and the inheritability of learning is one of the severest of the limitations of learning. Since learning helps individuals in adapting to the environment, it would be easier for people to adapt to the environment if they inherited certain traits from their parents. The inapplicability of this, however, makes learning greatly limited (Chance, 2014).
Another thing which greatly limits learning is the physical environment that a species grows up. According to study, the physical environment that one is immersed in when they are young greatly impacts their ability to...
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