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What You Have Learned About Understanding Diversity

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This is the wrap-up final paper. I'll upload the papers which I submitted for this course. Also I'll upload the textbook and the course description.

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What you have learned about understanding diversity.
Diversity, first of all, is indeed a good thing in the society. When people embrace diversity, they learn to celebrate each other and to build each other despite the obvious differences. However, for people to reach this level of maturity, they need first to understand diversity as well as how it can be used to build or destroy a society. Understanding diversity is not easy, and before people fully comprehend the importance of being unique or having unique characters in the society, they will first conflict.
While doing this course, one of the things I learned about diversity is that one has first to understand and embrace their uniqueness. The truth is you cannot accept other people and their differences if you have not fully comprehended your uniqueness. Understanding diversity calls for everyone to accept themselves first before they can embrace other people.
Secondly, understanding diversity is the first step towards peaceful co-existence in the society. Peaceful co-existence in the society is indeed the result of understanding diversity. People cannot live together and conduct business with each other if they have not embraced their differences. To live peacefully with each other, therefore, people need to see each other’s difference as a great addition.
An overview of what you learned about yourself in relation to what you have learned in class, beyond the experimental activity.
There is indeed no greater thing than learning about yourself. Learning about oneself helps to enrich a person because one can understand their strengths and embrace their weaknesses. The essence of school is to churn out independent thinkers and people who can fit into the society. Learning diversity is indeed essential and helps to ensure that even the young people are not caught up in cheap and misleading traits of demeaning the uniqueness of a person or culture. Schools, therefore, get people prepared for their careers but most importantly help to instill wisdom about the essentials of life like embracing diversity.
One of the things I learned about myself is that I am different in the way I express my feelings, interact with people, and understand different aspects of life. Initially, I viewed diversity as being physically different: male or female, African American, White American, Asian, etc. However, I h...
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