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The Last Lecture, Hierarchy of Needs, and Freud’s Personality Theory

Essay Instructions:

Complete the 3 chapter questions below:

1.  Ch. 9 Question:

Thought exercise: (complete Parts A and B)

What if you had 7 days to live?  What would you do?  Often when students make this list in the past, they assume the question is about death (like funeral planning, etc.) but it isn't.  When we are reminded of our mortality, it helps us to clarify our life's priorities, and values, so I'd like you to think about this from that perspective.

A) So, what WOULD you do with those final 7 days?  If you make a list, be sure to talk about it, don't just post a list.

B) Secondly, make the time to watch this video by Randy Pausch, entitled "The Last Lecture" and write your reactions, AND favorite quotes from Professor Pausch.   It's long, but worth it!


2. Ch. 10 Question:

      - Choose 1 topic (can be one theory of motivation from 10.1) or (a specific subject from 10.2)

      - Explain the theory, or subject, in a clear, easy to read way (again, academic integrity reminder, don't copy/paste or over-use direct quoting), just 'explain' in everyday language.

     - Provide a personal example, or observation/opinion, related to the subject chosen.

3.  Ch. 11 Question:

Choose ONE Personality theorist from the chapter - e.g., Freud, Jung, Horney, Adler, Erickson, etc., but NOT the 5 Factor Model (we covered that in the discussion)- that you feel best reflects the way you see people and their personalities (or that you found most fascinating). 

Summarize and explain (in your own words) the main parts of the theory and discuss why you chose that theory over the others.  Don't forget to add references where needed!

* Minimum total word count = 500

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Subject and Section
Professor’s name
1 A. If I only had seven days to live, I would make every effort to be the happiest person in those seven days. Furthermore, to be the most optimistic person in those seven days, I will face fear, reward myself daily, and spend my days with the people I love. People fear many things, including death, heights, darkness, animals, and others. However, with only seven days to live, now is the time to face fear rather than run from it. And once I overcome fear, I will be among the bravest people. Second, I plan to reward myself daily (Indeed Editorial Team, 2023). I will ensure that I get everything I want in those seven days. Receiving a reward from myself is the most satisfying and will make me the happiest (Nelson, 2022). Finally, I will spend my days with the people I care about the most. My days have been extremely hectic, and there are times when I am unable to make time for these people. As a result, I will reserve all seven days for us to spend together. I will do the things we love and discover something I have yet to learn from them in the past. Hence, this is the list of things I would do if I had seven days to live.
B. Randy Pausch’s talk “The Last Lecture” inspired many people. He emphasizes the importance of living life to the fullest, achieving dreams, enlisting the assistance of others, and assisting others in achieving their goals. Furthermore, the section where he discussed how people could get others to help them is the most potent part. He emphasized that people cannot achieve their dreams on their own and that they require the assistance of others. Pausch believes in “Karma,” which states that if someone does something good or terrible, it will also return to them. As a result, for good things to bear, a person should always do good things. Pausch adds that people should always tell ...
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