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Jung Typology Assessment

Essay Instructions:


You will complete a brief Jung Typology Assessment and write an analysis on your results.


See the Eclectic Energies Enneagram Tests link in the Jung Typology Assessment Resources

Section to complete the assessment for your own personality.

Once you have completed the assessment and received your results, develop an understanding of what each element of your number means then research your particular number. Focus on aspects of communication and how your personality both communicates and how it prefers to be communicated with. Evaluate positive and negative aspects of your personality type and what variety of roles people with your personality are most commonly found in with regards to career choices, group functions, and social interactions.

In total, this assignment must be between 2-4 pages. This assignment must be in APA Format and contain a Title Page and Reference Page in APA format (neither of which count towards the page totals). The Reference Page must include at least one scholarly resource. An Abstract is not required. This assignment should be submitted via the assignment submission link in Canvas.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Jung Typology Assessment Assignment
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Jung Typology Assessment Assignment
Identifying as a Type 3, an individual’s communication style is deeply connected with their relentless pursuit of success and achievement. It's inherent their personality to be intensely goal-oriented and driven (Gordon & Jackson, 2019). I identify as a type 3 with balanced wings and often find myself naturally inspiring others with my unwavering enthusiasm and unyielding determination to conquer my objectives. People around me are frequently drawn to my passion and energy, making it easier for me to influence and lead them towards shared goals. This talent for succinctly conveying my ideas has also proven invaluable, particularly in leadership roles where I've had the opportunity to steer and energize my team effectively. In essence, my communication style, firmly rooted in the pursuit of success, is a potent asset that not only serves my individual ambitions but also has the potential to inspire and galvanize those around me towards collective achievements.
In professional settings, an effective communication style has frequently translated into effective leadership (Cunningham et al.,2020) . As for my case, I thrive in roles where I can harness my ability to inspire and influence others. Whether it's leading a project, managing a team, or guiding an organization, my clarity in communication and unwavering determination make it easier for me to articulate the path forward and rally others behind a common cause. My capacity to set and communicate clear objectives becomes a beacon for those I work with, helping us collectively strive towards success.
While my communication style is geared towards achieving success and motivating others, I'm also aware that it can sometimes veer into less favorable territory. There are moments when enthusiasm fo...
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