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Introduction to Psychology: Learning and Unlearning Behavior

Essay Instructions:

Self-Reflection Paper

Topic: Learning and Unlearning Behavior

Prompt: After reading the Chapter 5 Module 3 Notes you notice that is all about learning behavior. Each and everyone one us acquired a number of behaviors over many, many years. And whether these behaviors are good, bad or extremely ugly, they were learned through one of the three learning theories we've been discussing (at least according to learning theorists). The great thing about learning is that if a behavior can be learned, odds are that it can be unlearned. In this reflection paper your goal is to:

Step 1: identify a behavior that you have learned but would like to change. Think about a BAD HABIT that you would like to change, NOT something more complex that could be considered a personality trait or an emotion that would be difficult to explain using learning theory. For example, don't say “I would like to change my anger.” Anger is an emotion not a behavior. 

BAD choices for this paper are anger, anxiety, shyness, rudeness etc...

GOOD EXAMPLES for this paper can be procrastination, nail biting, overeating, too much television, social media, etc… There for pick something that applies to you. 

Remember, Behaviorists focus on observable, measurable behavior. Think of a bad habit that you may have and focus on that. It has to be something that you can easily see if you begin doing more or less of. Then briefly describe the behavior and how it has become problematic in your life.

Step 2: What learning theory applies to your behavior? Identify which theory (is it classical conditioning, or operant conditioning, or social-cognitive learning theory) best explains how you acquired the behavior and why? Be sure to use terminology that is appropriate to that learning theory. The point of your essay is to demonstrate your understanding of these theories and your ability to apply them accurately.

Step 3: How can you unlearn this behavior? Now that you have explained how you acquired this behavior, use learning theory to discuss how you can extinguish the behavior. Which learning theory (classical conditioning, operant conditioning, or social-cognitive learning theory) will you use to help unlearn the behavior and how? Again, be sure to use appropriate learning theory terminology. It is necessary to demonstrate an understanding of the material.

Guidelines for this paper:

Students: When you mention a concept or theory in your paper, be sure to provide a definition/explanation from the Chapter 5 Module 3 Notes or your Psychology textbook. 
Also when you take a definition/explanation from the textbook, do not copy it word for word; instead, paraphrase in your own words and cite the textbook in APA style such as (Hockenbury and Hockenbury, 2016, pg #).

Notes to EssayZoo writer…

For Step 1: Feel free to choose a behavior but the behavior that best applies to me would be nail biting my fingernails or especially texting and using social media while eating dinner. For example when I hear a text on your phone there is almost an automatic response from me to pick up the cellphone to read the text message.

Oh by the way I included the Chapter 5 Module 3 Notes in a word document attachment.
The Chapter 5 Modules 3 Notes should be enough information to complete this essay but just in case the book that we are using in this Psychology class is called “Discovering Psychology” the 7th edition by Sandra Hockenbury and Don Hockenbury with the ISBN-13: 978-1464171055
This essay must be 3 pages long with Times New Roman Font with 1 inch margins all around.

Thank you for time.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Learning and Unlearning Behavior
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Learning and Unlearning Behavior
From my own experience, unlearning a behavior is hectic and it takes a lot of discipline, dedication and hard work. I bite my nails when I am bored, sad, irritated, anxious, happy and when I am angry. I bite my nails all the time and it doesn’t matter who is watching or who is not. The behavior has become part of me and I find it quite rewarding as all the feelings I am experiencing at any given time are suppressed through nail biting. I started this habit when I was about five years of age. It started by sucking my thumb but it eventually graduated to nail biting. I have had several embarrassing situations due to this habit and my friends humiliate me every time they catch me biting my nails. It is a behavior that I would like to stop, but I don’t know how I can do it. Every time I decide to stop nail biting I end up biting them at the end of the day due to frustration.
In some instances, I cannot comfortably stretch out my hand to greet a stranger for fear of them noticing my uneven nails. It is also quite unhygienic and I can’t count the number of times I have had stomach upsets largely because I bite my nails anytime of the day without washing them or sanitizing them. Most of my friends find this behavior irritating and they always find ways to try to stop me from biting my nails. They have publicly humiliated me in several occasions and even made people notice that I was a nail bitter. I would love to unlearn this behavior someday and I will be quite happy if I finally quit biting my nails.
The best theory that describes my nail biting behavior is the Observational/Social Learning Theory. This theory states that behavior can be learned through observation, especially if you admire the person you associate with the habit. I recall observing my childhood friend sucking her thumb and I found it quite admirable. It made her look like a little cute baby and it fully got my attention. I ...
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