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Interpersonal Relationships & Sociocultural and Personal Factors

Essay Instructions:

Each response should:

a. be 2 pages long with references

b. have 3 references

c. not include the prompt; just put the answers

1. Would you say that the following qualities are rare or common in interpersonal relationships?: warmth, genuineness, empathy, acceptance, and confirmation of the other person’s capacity for self-determination. Why? Discuss how sociocultural and personal factors influence cognition, emotion and motivation

2.In what ways has your motivation and competence been influenced by your locus of control (locus of causality)? Share an example of how both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation has influenced an outcome.

Use the example of earning a degree as a psychologist: intrinsic could include enjoying the topics and new learning about the history of psychology and how the brain works and human motivation

extrinsic might include good pay, having a higher level degree, social recognition

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Cognition, Motivation and Emotion
Interpersonal Relationships & Sociocultural and Personal Factors             The qualities of warmth, genuineness, empathy, acceptance, and confirmation of the other person’s capacity for self-determination are considered essential in any type of interpersonal relationship between individuals. However, these qualities are not very common in all interpersonal relationships and may vary depending on the closeness of one person to another. Notably, cultivating these qualities can significantly improve connections with others, thus offering fulfilling relationships.             In relationships, warmth refers to the kind of affection and degree of friendliness displayed towards another. Warmth is essential because it offers an opportunity to build a supportive environment and establishes a connection where each party can feel comfortable expressing themselves freely (Miller & Moyers, 2021). This builds trust between individuals and can lead to long-lasting relationships that are built on a solid foundation. On the other hand, genuineness involves authenticity during interactions where individuals are open and honest with each other. This means that each party is clear about their expectations with no hidden agendas, thus creating a relationship based on mutual trust and respect.             Apart from that, empathy is a human quality that is rare in many cases. Being empathetic towards another person requires an understanding of their feelings and a concern for them. This can create a relationship based on genuine connections at an emotional level where individuals can offer meaningful support due to the appreciation of basic human needs (Miller & Moyers, 2021). However, human beings are majorly selfish hence making empathy a rare quality in interpersonal relationships. In contrast, acceptance involves the willingness of an individual to accept and embrace the qualities and flaws of another wholeheartedly. This quality is important because it appreciates that humans are flawed and have strengths and weaknesses. Consequently, acceptance indicates that an individual can engage with another without any judgement or criticism but with a clear understanding of them as a person from the point of empathy, respect and understanding.             Lastly, the confirmation of another person’s capacity for self-determination refers to the ability of a person to recognise the fact that another person has the absolute right to make choices and decisions concerning their life (Schunk & DiBenedetto, 2020). Therefore, one party cannot engage in coercion so as to fulfil their needs in the relationship at the expense of another. This quality is rare in many interpersonal relationships, especially with patriarchy that considers males a superior gender, thus undermining the decisions of females. Sociocultural and Personal Factors             Sociocultural and personal factors are considered crucial elements that can affect cognition, emotion, and motivation in a multitude of ways. As a result, understanding how each can possibly affect an individual considering the complexities between an individual and their environment, it becomes easier to put appropriate interventions to promote healthy functioning across the board.             With regard to cognition, sociocultural factors have a significant impact on the cognitive process of an individual. Factors such as language and education can open up opportunities that can enhance cognitive abilities. Personal factors can also impact cognitive processes since aspects such as age and genetics can impair a person’s abilities as they grow older (Immordino-Yang et al., 2019). Additionally, with regard to emotion, sociocultural and personal factors can affect how individuals perceive and express their emotions. With social norms limiting the type of emotions an individual can express, other personal elements, such as temperament, influence the frequency of experiencing emotions. Furthermore, sociocultural and personal factors also have a...
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