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The Incredible Masking of Freud’s Displacement Concept and The Adlerian Perspective

Essay Instructions:

Substantive comments to other posts: Read and comment on some other posts regarding this assignment. There is 4 response needed (I would say about 2 pages to write), and only a couple of sentences for each would be fine.

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Post One
The author has demonstrated their interaction with the text in highlighting the incredible masking of Freud’s displacement concept. Indeed, the idea is not readily perceptible until it is viewed with the benefit of hindsight on the novel’s final pages. Dr. Breuer emerges as an embodiment of the displacement concept. The doctor’s obsession with Bertha has been built for a long stretch in the novel. It is commendable that the author makes an effort to similarly represent the additional manifestations of the concept of displacement, such as Dr. Breuer’s distance from his wife attributed to his fear of aging. The author’s ultimate depiction of the Freudian perspective is the deduction of some denotable characteristics from the life of doctor Breuer. They include the separation of the conscious and the unconscious mind and the influence of childhood events in adulthood. However, the author’s approach of describing the concept of displacement at the end rather than the post’s beginning diminishes the work’s coherency.
Post Two
The author meticulously lets the concepts of the id, ego, and superego interpret the life of doctor Breuer. The doctor is depicted to exhibit three distinct types of thinking and decision-making. The three levels of thought cannot be rationally attributed to a single person unless Freud’s perspective is invoked. Indeed, the ID is the bases part of human psychology. At the ID level, the individual is moved by instincts rather than rational persuasion. You exhaustively expound on the ID operation in the doctor’s desire to abandon his family to be with his patient Bertha. Shockingly, the ID even anticipates the death of doctor Breuer’...
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