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Human Services Internship at Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)

Essay Instructions:

Paper Guidelines: Please read the instructions carefully if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.
This paper is a Human Service Internship paper. The above website is the site of the Internship which all meetings are conducted via Zoom, there are no in-person meetings. This site trains volunteers to become advocates for abused and neglected children. As an Intern, you are attending court proceedings via Zoom and calling foster parents to speak with the child to check on the health and safety of the child. Calls can be Facetime or over the phone, calls cannot be recorded. You will make notes of any information that you find out about the child and then present your findings in court via Zoom. These items are important to know to complete the paper because the paper will address the following issues related to the agency and you will be answering the following questions: IMPORTANT when answering the following questions please do not state the question just answer each question in order using transitions. You are not giving any specifics about any case you are just comparing the reading from any Human Service source of your choice to the agency and responsibilities that the Intern had. You are able to use any Human Service resources that you like and please cite.
A minimum eight-page typed paper, using one-inch margins. The paper will use the format of the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (i.e., APA format). The paper will address the following issues related to the agency at which you are completing your student internship. You will be answering these questions:
1. What have you learned in your course work about the purpose and functions of this type of agency? Textbooks and other materials should be cited.
2. What had been your expectations about this agency prior to beginning your internship? You entered the internship with preconceived ideas about the purpose and functions of this type of agency developed from your reading, listening to the media, educators, personnel working in this field, and your own experiences. Did you find these notions to be accurate or did you alter them?
3. Who were the professionals you observed during your internship? Discuss the functions of those professionals. (Professionals observed are judges, attorneys, case managers, and CASA supervisors).
4. What were the agency staff members’ views about the agency’s purpose and functions? (The purpose of CASA is to advocate for the child’s best interest and to find permanent housing placement for the child along with DFACS help). Once the child has a permeant safe home or the child ages out which is 21 years old then the CASA job is complete.
5. Reflect on the kinds of tasks you actually performed during the internship. How were you able to apply what you had learned in coursework? What kinds of skills and knowledge did you develop during the internship?
6. Discuss your thinking and feelings regarding this internship and tell what, if anything, could be done to improve this agency’s effectiveness in fulfilling its mission. (Nothing needs to be done to improve this agency’s effectiveness in fulfilling its mission, CASA does a very good job and really cares and protects the children).
7. Would you recommend that other students carry out an internship at this agency? What are your suggestions to prepare students to intern at this agency? (Yes, to be prepared to hear and learn horrifying incidents that happen to children on a daily basis).
8. Discuss at least two of the Ethical Standards for Human Services professional and their connection to events that occurred at your placement site.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Services Internship: CASA Agency
Department, Institution Affiliation
Course Code; Course Name
Instructor's Name
Human Services Internship: CASA Agency
My internship at Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) is an important opportunity for my professional development in human services. The agency offered me the opportunity to learn and understand key elements needed to embrace human services. CASA is an agency located in Texas and was established in 1976 by Soukup David due to child abuse (CASA, 2021). The main aim was to offer adequate to neglected children with basic needs and allow them to find justice. The agency looks for passionate and talented interns and workers who can make its primary goal of promoting justice to the children. CASA is an employer and uplifts different careers leading to professional growth and development. The paper aims to reflect on an internship position in CASA agency.
Coursework and Agency
CASA agency is not new to me due to the adequate information I have gained on such agencies. The key idea that I learned about such agencies is promoting justice to children. Besides, the agencies are responsible for improving life quality, overcoming the common problems in the community, and assisting families and children in ensuring basic needs are attained (Cartersville, 2016). Besides, human services agencies work together with local leaders and government agencies to ensure effective and quality service to humankind by eliminating emotional issues that the individuals may undergo. It is essential to consider the agencies vital in restoring human growth and development.
Another role I learned about such an agency is the prohibition of abuse. Child abuse, such as sexual or family violence, is common. The problem is also increasing with demography; therefore, more resources are mobilized to reduce the adverse impacts and instances of abuse through such agencies. Besides, the main principle I learned in the coursework regarding such an agency is a partnership. A partnership is a critical principle that allows different organizations with similar goals to work together purposefully to succeed. Human services agencies work with other agencies, especially those promoting human rights, to promote justice and embrace humanity successfully. The second principle I also learned about such organizations is prevention and protection. The agencies play a crucial role in preventing and protecting specific human populations from any social threat. Therefore, the learned principles in the coursework adequately aligned to CASA's activities.
Expectations in the Agency
I had a lot of expectations from the agency before starting the internship and strongly believed it would improve my professional skills. An internship in the organization was vital to me since I believed it could allow me to implement the theoretical knowledge I had into practice. Based on my information on such agencies, I expected CASA to focus on similar actions such as executing human service functions and restoring hopes to communities and families. I expected to see the agency work with different families in sustaining the human rights of vulnerable populations, children, the aged, and the disabled. I also expected the organization to have a reliable organ responsible for human rights activism and legal process.
Interestingly I found the notions on such agencies to be true. The knowledge gained from different personnel, educators, and media on such agencies was true since CASA implemented them. For instance, I was expecting CASA to work with different case managers in addressing issues from neglected families and abused children, which came to be true. My notions on the agency were also true after I realized a strong connection between the agency and the legal system. I expected the agency to work collaboratively with the criminal justice system and uphold the law. After realizing CASA on the criminal justice systems, my expectations were achieved, such as the court to execute its functions. I also realized that the criminal justice system played a crucial role in streamlining the organization's objectives and eliminating possible human threats. Therefore, adequate knowledge of the agencies before the internship was vital since it made my work execute my duties and achieve the agency goals.
I observed several professionals throughout my internship, and I also had a chance to interact personally with the individuals through phone calls and consultations. I concluded that the success of any human service agency depends on the professionals and the skills that they have. The main professionals who caught my attention were the case managers. The agency heavily relied on the case managers. They had several roles and responsibilities; however, the primary function was to assess, monitor, plan, advocate and link the neglected children to the agency. During the zoom session, they played a critical role by providing essential information about the neglecters before the court. They played the advocate for the neglected rights to ensure that they promoted justice.
Additionally, I observed judges who played an essential role in determining the validity of the accusers, especially the child neglecters. The judges led court proceedings by focusing on laws guiding children to assess the legal precedents. Therefore, they were important for court proceedings. Besides, I observed the attorney responsible for providing legal guidance, collating evidence, and representing different clients during the court proceedings. Lastly, I observed and adequately interacted with a group of professionals who were the CASA professionals. They worked together with the neglected children and determined the way forward for restoring their hope through providing human service to counter violence and abuses. Therefore, interacting with professionals is a key area that made me improve my professional growth through mentorship.
Purpose and Functions
CASA plays a key role in restoring the hopes of children. The agency's staffs have different views on its functions and purpose. After engaging and interacting with the staff, I realized that the key function of the agency is advocating for the interests of different children to find permanent housing placement. Most of the agency's children are homeless and cannot receive basic attention such as shelter and food. It also works with abused children and emotional support to eliminate antisocial behaviors. Therefore, CASA plays a significant role in smoothening children's lives.
Additionally, the agency partner with the Division of Family and Children Services (DFACS) to identify the children's possible challenges....
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