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How Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Affect Ariana Grande

Essay Instructions:

A diagnosis analysis paper (in APA style). Choose a public figure (politician, TV personality, etc.), notorious criminal, artist, musician, or character in a book, film, or television show who has demonstrated significant impairment in social, emotional, employment, or family functioning as a result of an Anxiety Disorder, PTSD, Cluster C Personality Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder/Persistent Depressive Disorder, or Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Describe how this person’s symptoms have affected her or his life. Use the DSM-5 and ideas from your readings and class lectures to conceptualize this case and to justify a possible diagnosis or group of co-occurring diagnoses. Work through each criterion for the diagnosis/es you select (do not leave any of them out!), describing the behaviors that indicate whether it has or has not been met. Be sure to list and describe the individual’s specific behaviors or comments that support your argument that the criteria for the diagnosis/diagnoses have been met. Discuss this individual’s impact on society, how aspects of culture have played a role in the disorder, whether stigma abomental illness has been perpetuated, and how public perception about mental illness may have been shaped or skewed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
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Fame and culture have introduced a new position in showbusiness; celebrity culture. A platform where celebrities, singers, actors, artists, writers or producers, whatever the art they are known for, use their personal lives and fame and turn it into product brands on a large global scale. For years, this platform has used and empowered young talents. However, the downside is alarming cause it is the ment5al health of these artists that is compromised. Ariana Grande suffered from a traumatic event while supporting her brand and career in a tour among these artists. The artist from a released picture on one of her online platforms shared with the world the brain scans that declared her a posttraumatic stress disorder patient.
Keywords: posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, panic attacks, Manchester, fans.
Posttraumatic stress disorder is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by anxiety and occurs after experiencing a traumatic event that causes loss or grief in extreme cases. It is an anxiety disorder because the victims often experience feelings of nervousness or unease in a situation that they have no awareness of the outcome. Posttraumatic stress disorder lies in the occurrence of a traumatic event in an individual’s life. After individual experiences, the traumatic event that leaves them tense, stressed and anxious, the prolonged aftereffect of the incident that is the subsequent loss and grief, leads to anxiety hence the word; posttraumatic. “. . . approximately 80% of individuals with PTSD meet criteria for at least one other psychiatric diagnosis.” (Brady, 1997)
Various events can cause leave a traumatic effect on individuals. The deal breaker often stands on the intensity of the event, its magnitude effect on the individual, and how the victim reacts. Traumatic events that happen to well-known individuals are often severe primarily because of the reaction after the event, usually ignored. They have to keep a sophisticated public image that needs therapy to move on, not a deteriorated image. Society views therapy as a lost cause on individuals. This often keeps victims of mental health issues seeking help, especially if it involves sabotaging your singing career with such ‘daint’ in your reputation. However, some celebrities are fearless, and they conquer this stereotypical belief among them; Ariana Grande.
Ariana Grande
On the 22ND May 2017, the singer cum actress experienced a suicide bomber in one of her concerts that detonated a homemade explosive device and killed twenty people, injuring hundreds of people; her fans who had come to watch her perform. Just in her debut on the singing platform, she was on tour and was not expecting this occurrence as she arrived in Manchester. Immediately after the incident, she returned to Florida and reported that she was cared to continue her tour. However, she says in an interview that the faith her fans had in her and the fact that they were eager to go back and watch her perform even after the incident was enough to help her conquer her fear. She states in an interview that although she acted strong, Ariana was terrified of going back on stage and only had her fans, family and friends to thank for giving her the strength to move on. She states, “I had to set a good example for my fans”. The Manchester terror left a mark on her, and she only noticed the impact when she went home after the tour and was diagnosed with PTSD according to a brain scan that she shared on one of her online platforms.
As a form of barking back to society for contradicting her for being diagnosed with the disorder, she states in an interview that some people do not understand how important mental health is more than anything else. She counters that most people know her from tabloids and stories they have heard in magazines. Ariana was sure that whatever they heard were she to listen to it, she would hate herself too. No one knows what she goes t...
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