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How Culture Affects People’s Behaviors

Essay Instructions:

Students are required to answer only one of the following questions listed below. At the end of your cited response, you must also pose a question for other students to reply to (answer). This question is created by you, the student. Students must also document (in APA style) all sources used (textbook included). I prefer that students not copy directly from the textbook, but instead summarize the text (or other sources) in your own words and provide the author and year of publication: e.g., -->(Berk, 2010; Ainsworth, 1972 as cited in Berk, 2013). Students must also pose a question at the end of answering one of the questions listed below (6 points). Students must then reply to another student's question again citing proper sources (4 points). In other words, you cannot answer any question based merely on opinion. You must support all answers with current theory/research which you can find easily in your textbook. Please do not reply to a question you answered. Label your answered question by question number.

[DO NOT COPY AND PASTE IN THE DISCUSSION BOARD - USE at least 12 Point Font as well. NEVER CITE a Website.] If all of the questions have been used by other students, then please create a new question relevant to the chapter material - list the question as developed by you.]

Social Thinking and Social Influence

12-1. Identify what social psychologists study, and discuss how we tend to explain others’ behavior and our own.

12-2. Discuss how attitudes and actions interact.

12-3. Describe how culture affects our behavior.

12-4. Describe automatic mimicry, and explain how conformity experiments reveal the power of social influence.

12-5. Describe what Milgram’s obedience experiments taught us about the power of social influence.

12-6. Describe how our behavior is affected by the presence of others

12-7. Explain group polarization and groupthink, and describe how much power we have as individuals.

Antisocial Relations

12-8. Define prejudice, and identify its social and emotional roots.

12-9. Identify the cognitive roots of prejudice.

12-10. Explain how psychology’s definition of aggression differs from everyday usage, and identify the biological factors that make us more prone to hurt one another.

12-11. Outline psychological and social-cultural factors that may trigger aggressive behavior.

Prosocial Relations

12-12. Explain why we befriend or fall in love with some people but not others.

12-13. Describe how romantic love typically changes as time passes.

12-14. Identify the times when people are most—and least—likely to help.

12-15. Discuss how social exchange theory and social norms explain helping behavior.

12-16. Explain how social traps and mirror-image perceptions fuel social conflict.

12-17. Discuss how we can transform feelings of prejudice, aggression, and conflict into attitudes that promote peace.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How Culture Affects People’s Behaviors
Author’s Name
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How Culture Affects People’s Behaviors
Culture influences various aspects of individuals’ lives. In particular, it entails a group of people’s way of life, including their values, norms, beliefs, customs, morals, social ethics, principles, and symbols that are generally acceptable and passed from one generation to another. Culture influences how people communicate and their lifestyles. Individuals from different cultures perceive things in the world distinctively. On that note, culture significantly influences people’s behaviors.
Based on Hofstede’s cross-cultural dimension, individualism is one of the significant components that is determined by the culture of a specific group of people and which influences how individuals behave. Specifically, individualism moderates people’s relationships (Tam & Oliveira, 2019). For example, Americans emphasize individualism, while the Chinese prioritize collectivism. Notably, Chinese people believe that teamwork leads to success and these individuals work together to achieve established goals. However, Americans prefer to work individually since they believe that success comes from a person’s effort and determination. Individualism is deep-rooted in the American culture, and it impacts how these individuals handle their responsibilities. Indeed, it makes people set their minds to doing everything they can so that they can achieve specific objectives without relying on others. Individuals learn how to handle challenges without asking for external assistance. Consequently, culture determines whether people believe in teamwork or individual efforts, which influence their behaviors.
Culture influences people’s behavior and the products or services they consume. That is why global corporations customize their goods and services based on the culture of a particular group of people. As such, culture influences consumer behavior (Hamadneh, Hassan, Kurdi, & Aburayya, 2021). It affects individuals’ self-identity. People perceive themselves as the product of their cultures. Numerous cultural aspects are obtained at a very yo...
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