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How to Change your Behavior for the Better

Essay Instructions:

The essay summary is based off of a Ted talk video. Needs to be between 400-500 words.

I had to rewrite it but just don’t have the time to complete it. I also included what I’ve rewritten and the notes I took from the video.


How to change your behavior for the better

The potential for humanity

**Where are we, big gap**

Over eating


Honestly, washing hands before leaving the bathroom

Texting while driving

**How do we breach that gap**, tell someone that it’s dangerous

Us spend 7- 800 million on financial literacy all the reachsearch added up together

=Consequences =Meta analysis

Once taught financial literacy 3-4% remembers immediately after the course

At the end of the day it’s 0.1%

Humans short term knowledge bank storage capabilities

**What’s a good recipe to change behavior ** good information alone can’t influence “good behavior “

**Social science Definition ** If we want to “influence or persuade” behavior we have to change the environment.

Don’t change people

$$Analogy- Thinking Behavior change as the same as sending a rocket to space$$

Reduce friction most aero dynamic , load most fuel motivation to leave earth’s atmosphere

**Friction- ¥¥small things really matter¥¥online pharmacy changes to generic to save money reduce price from 10 cents to 1 cents nothing happens but from 1cent to 0 now humans are excited.

**Confounded design** doing nothing versus something

Force a humans decision you could be faced with man made laws that prevent you decision making for them.

Desired behavior and easy behavior are not aligned- outside sources try to intervene and align them.

¥¥Word it correctly and you get a cooperating cusumer base. ¥¥

¥¥Motivation¥¥ keeping money for a rainy day. Constant Reminders.

¥¥Loss adversion¥¥ idea we hate loosing more than we enjoy gaining.


Coin with numbers-

Text from kids helped with saving over other incentives.

#Fun fact#

South Africans

Spending money on a funeral versus a wedding at least you know you only have one

They buy small amount of insurance

(Invisible activities like saving and insurance )

How can we reduce the friction to living and how does that effect behavior change

Where can we remove friction

Look at the system

Think broadly

What motivations can we bring in, money, loss adversion, something that is visible

Our own intuitions can mislead us to make the wrong decisions

The gap between where we are and where we want to be is sad but it can be fix, change , revamped.

Attack each problem directly, add motivation(incentives)= change

**Can we close the gap*

We as humans have a hard time admitting guilt, but why? Human behavior can be very complex from one to another but to influence change we have to take a deeper look into the facts. The US SPENDS between 7-8million a year on teaching financial literacy. All the recent research gathered and complied concludes to what's known as the meta analysis. The analysis shows that people only retain very little of that information by the end of the day stated by Dan Ariely , a behavioral economist. According to his studies, to influence behavior, we need as little friction as possible.

We know that Humans are very complex beings but what happens when faced with friction? According to Dan Ariel’s, Ted talk , The small things really matter when it comes to friction. Friction can becomes an issue when the desired behavior and the easy behavior don’t align which ultimately brings us to motivation. Dan Ariel mentions that forcing a human’s decision can result in legal action but if you word it correctly you’ll get a cooperating customer.

We as consumers love a little push to make a move But that doesn’t mean that we’d jump off our own Intuition Right away. Motivation goes in hand with incentives. Ariel’s shows that when he did a study to see if he could “get Africans to save money” concluded that when reminded and givin incentives they started to have more savings.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How to Change your Behavior for the Better
Institutional Affiliate
How to Change your Behavior for the Better
Human beings display different and equally unique behaviors that define or inform their decisions and actions across different aspects of their daily operational activities. The difference and uniqueness of behavioral characteristics from one person to another make human behavior a complex phenomenon characterized by internal mental processes that explain people’s behaviors across different life circumstances or situations. For instance, the behavioral response to campaigns for healthy lifestyle habits reveals significant gaps among individuals across different societies worldwide. Some people still overeat, text while driving, and do not exercise despite knowing the adverse repercussions of such habits. In his Ted talk, How to change your behavior for the better, Dan Ariely posits that bridging the behavioral gap in such circumstances goes beyond providing information on the pros and cons of a given course of action. The behavioral economist goes ahead to provide a meta-analysis of research studies on financial literacy in the United States, reiterating that the provision and availability of good information are not enough to influence the desired behavioral change in human beings. Despite the United States spending approximately $800 million on financial literacy, only 0.1% of individuals taking the course can remember its details leading to little or no effect on people’s financial practices or behaviors (Ariely, n.d.). Dan Ariely points out that the short-term storage capabilities of a human’s knowledge bank limit the ability of good information to influence good behavior (Ariely, n.d.). How, then, can one change their behavior for the better? Dan Ariely provides a framework through which human beings can effect positive behavioral change.<...
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