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Hiring Millennials & Entering Them Into our Active Workforce

Essay Instructions:

Module 8: Portfolio Project (I've attached the APA-Formatted paper for you to utilize)
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Portfolio Project (350 Points)
For your final Portfolio Project, you have two options. Do only one; do not do both. Indicate your selection in the file name of your project.
Begin the process of constructing your project by choosing a particular issue or problem. It could be related to your personal life or career path. The goal is then to align this problem or issue with a specific logic model from the text and/or other critical thinking tools you have been learning throughout the course. As you construct your project, utilize critical thinking tools to evaluate your data and your credible research, interpret this data, and understand your specific problem or issue from a broader, deeper and more focused perspective. Accessing and implementing credible research from the CSUGlobal Library is vitally important in the process of constructing your final projects as it will also be important in all your future coursework.
Portfolio Project Option # 1 - Essay
Becoming a college student means that you have a responsibility to apply knowledge to advance your field and to make the world a better place. Through practicing critical thinking skills, we learn not only to avoid being manipulated in our thinking, but to fully support and provide evidence for our ideas. Your Critical Thinking Journal, if you kept one, will help inform your final project.
Option #1: Write an 8 to 10 page essay (not counting required title or reference page).
Begin the process of constructing your project by choosing a particular issue or problem. It could be related to your personal life or career path. The goal is then to align this problem or issue with a specific logic model from the text and/or other critical thinking tools you have been learning throughout the course. As you construct your essay, utilize critical thinking tools to evaluate your data and your credible research, interpret this data, and understand your specific problem or issue from a broader, deeper and more focused perspective. Accessing and implementing credible research from the CSU Global Library is vitally important in the process of constructing your final essay as it will also be important in all your future coursework.
In constructing your essay, utilize and integrate the Elements of Thought from Chapter 5, pp. 104-122.
Your paper must:
Cite at least 6 scholarly peer-reviewed sources that are not required or recommended readings for this course. You may include a credible website. (The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these resources. You may cite the textbook, but that does not count as one of the scholarly peer-reviewed sources.)
Incorporate terms and concepts from the class readings and lecture pages.
Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
Keep in mind the following preliminary deliverables throughout the course that will go toward completing your project:
Week 4: Submit Portfolio Topic (worth 20 points toward final portfolio score)
Week 6: Submit Portfolio Outline (worth 20 points toward final portfolio score)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Hiring Millennials & Entering Them into Our Active Workforce
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Hiring Millennials & Entering Them into Our Active Workforce
Millennial are the individuals who were born between 1980 and 2004 and reached adulthood at the turn of the 21st century and are the predecessors of Generation Y. They are also referred to by other names such as Generation Y, Generation Next, Facebookers, Screenagers and Net Generation among many other names. According to United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, Millennial makes up about 80 million adults who have already joined or are preparing to join the workforce. Currently, about 25% of the United States workforce comprises of the Millennial, and it is anticipated that by the year 2020, Millennial will constitute 50% of the workforce. This means that the managers should be preparing to shift from relying on the Generation Y, whose time in the job market is gradually expiring, into hiring and developing the Millennial in their companies. However, the process of integrating the Millennial into the workforce poses challenges to the managers drawn from Generation x who are likely to be the bosses of the Millennial. Millennial are unique concerning their competencies and perspective, highly contrasting to the generation x and even retaining them in a company is a problem. Most managers have experienced problems with hiring and incorporating Millennial into their workplace. This paper proposes a model that can be used by the managers to smoothen the process of hiring and entering the Millennial in their workplace. The model describes what the managers should do to attract the Millennial, develop them and retain.
Background of the Problem
As earlier mentioned, Millennials are unique with regard to expectation, the perspective of the job and the competencies. Generation x workers were looking for job security and structure, but Millennial are looking for employability and flexibility. Millennial seek to progressively advance their skills in meaningful ways (Brack, 2013). They focus less attention on the income, unlike the generation X. To Millennial, much is about fulfilment and personal enrichment which calls for flexible work schedules. Millennial' top priorities are compensation (having in mind that they graduate with a debt of % 20,000), opportunity to make a difference and flexible work schedules (Gore, 2013). It is no doubt that finding organizations with flexible work schedules as may be demanded by every employee is challenging and difficult as most of the organizations are structured, but the managers will have to recruit these millennial to substitute retiring workers (Gore, 2013). This means that there is a problem that needs to be resolved by the managers so as to fine tune the Millennial into the workforce.
Job expectation and perspective are not the only challenges posed by the Millennial to the managers. Additionally, Millennial enter the workplace with different wants from their managers. Millennial need a collaborative working environment where the goals are clearly understood by all the members of the group (Espinoza & Ukleja, 2016). They also need measures. Since millennial have been raised within structured environments, they need a working environment with clear measuring systems and standards with precise metrics that provide for judgment and assessment of their achievements and accomplishments (Espinoza & Ukleja, 2016). They want to see progressiveness in their metrics and therefore want clear job assessment. Millennial also want motivation. They seek a working environment that inspires and they can feel comfortable to execute their mandates without criticism (Espinoza & Ukleja, 2016). These demands are merely met by most of the organizations which translate into low job satisfaction among the Millennial and thus seek better jobs hence difficult to retain.
Apart from their wants, Millennial are hard to engage in a company. Research shows that a significant percentage (49%) of the young adults seek employment not because they want to work but to raise a little income to cater for their bills (Espinoza & Ukleja, 2016). 70% of these young adults are planning to change their jobs once they find a better job or when the economic conditions improve (Espinoza & Ukleja, 2016). This means that Millennial are hardly engaged in an organization and entering them in the active workforce is challenging.
The high expectations, demands, and difficulty of engagement of the Millennial in an organization or a company mean that there will be constant exodus experienced by the managers from time to time (Espinoza & Ukleja, 2016). The situation is made worse by the number of retirees. Combining the costs of paying the retirees their lump sum and the cost of recruiting and training new employees every year, it is clear that the companies are at risk of loss due to high recurrent expenditures (Espinoza & Ukleja, 2016). This calls for necessary measures for acquiring, developing and maintain the Millennial in the workplace and making them part of the active workforce.
Necessity For Millennial in the Current Workforce
A vast number of Millennial are entering the workforce, and they are expected to change the working environment and the outlook of the world companies (Tsai, 2017). The generation is expected to be of great value to companies as they will reinforce the older generation at the workplace who will add to their competencies the experience of handling issues from the previous generations (Tsai, 2017). The managers' reports that tapping the potential of the Millennial in their companies is already a talent challenge ahead of them.
Millennial are a powerful generation that produces workers with the right skills to the current work environment. They carry the creative packages that are the most important aspects for tackling problems in the current world (Gore, 2013). High creativity is expected to influence their productivity and the style of operation in the workplace which is likely to be exceptional and highly efficient. They are likely to challenge old ways of doing things and drive the companies towards the desired direction and enhance growth (Tsai, 2017).
Millennials are individuals who were born when technology arose, and they have been brought up with tablets, laptops, computer games, and smartphones (Morgan, 2014). This makes a great difference between Millennial and the generation x workers. Computer games, for instance, have been shown to develop sharp minds and boost creativity as well as problem-solving skills (Morgan, 2014). It is, therefore, expected that the young adults are entering the job market that is already characterized by digitalization, with a better grasp of the digital aspects required and the high problem-solving skills gathered from the young age (Morgan, 2014).
Technology has not only affected their mental capacity but also behavior and the view of the world. Millennial have been exposed to the global world through social media, and they have an understanding of the world economies (Morgan, 2014). A study shows that Millennial are willing to work in other nations outside their home country and this provides an opportunity to multinational companies to utilize their aspiration in the countries of their choice as long as they operate in the countries (Morgan, 2014). Such employees will be motivated to work in such countries as they will count it as an achievement for flying out of their country and exploring the world. Their love for adventure is higher than for the generation X which makes them easier target for the entrepreneurs to expand into global markets with them (Morgan, 2014).
Proposed Model for Managers to Acquire and Retain Millennial At Workplace
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Being unique, Millennial require the managers to use a different approach so as to seek and attract their attention to their company. It is important to note that Millennial are more in a job as compared to the previou...
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