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Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan

Essay Instructions:

Tabatha is in the 4th month of 2nd grade at Watson Elementary School. She has always been an excellent student. In fact, she completes work in a timely manner and usually receives excellent grades (i.e., 95–100% accuracy). Recently, her teacher has noticed a change in Tabatha's behavior and performance.

Tabatha has been raising her hand and asking for the teacher's help multiple times during seat work in each subject. She has been breaking in line to go to the cafeteria, physical education, and recess, but only when the teacher is leading the line. She has also been pushing the new little girl that transferred to the school 2 weeks ago.

Her teacher has reached out to you, a BCBA, for help. Mrs. Lake explains that she has tried everything to help Tabatha. She has let her walk with her to the cafeteria, physical education, and recess whenever Tabatha tries to break in line. She even moved Tabatha's desk closer to hers so she could readily help Tabatha when she is doing seat work. She has also separated Tabatha from the new little girl by allowing Tabatha to sit next to her on the bench during recess. She does not know what else to do.


Explain the process you would undertake to identify the probable function of Tabatha's target behavior.

Discuss the antecedents and consequences in this scenario and hypothesize the probable function of the target behavior.

Describe a potential function-based BIP for Tabatha, and discuss how you will determine whether your intervention has been effective (hint: data).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Tabatha’s Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan
Tabatha’s Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan
Functional behavior assessment (FBA) is a systematic approach used to identify the reasons for a person's challenging behavior. I would take the following steps to identify the potential function of Tabatha's target behavior. The first step is observing Tabatha in different settings by gathering data on the target behavior, such as when and where the behavior occurs, its triggers, and consequences. The second step is interviewing Tabatha's teacher, other relevant individuals, and herself to understand her behavior, her opinion on the situation, and any previous interventions. The last step is reviewing previous assessment records, such as progress and disciplinary reports, and any previous FBAs to understand Tabatha's behavior better.
The antecedents and consequences of Tabatha's habits can be identified based on the information gathered. For example, breaking in line might be triggered by a change in the teacher's presence, and the consequence might be her getting suspended. The possible hypothesis of the function of Tabatha's target behavior may include the following. One, breaking in line may serve the function of escaping from a situation she finds uninteresting, such as seat work. Two, the target behavior of asking for the teacher's help duri...
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