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Formulating a Substance Abuse Prevention Planning

Essay Instructions:

Substance Abuse/Use Prevention Planning Essay

Pick a community (Abilene, Texas) and pinpoint the problems in the area using data to support your conclusions. Do a comprehensive assessment to gather information related to the population/community’s needs (levels of substance abuse and other related risk factors, etc.), the available resources that will support prevention efforts in the community, and the community readiness stage and the plan to address the needs and the prevention efforts you will use.

  • 1st paragraph: Population needs:
    • Identify the community (Abilene Texas)
    • Include the data found on levels of substance abuse and/or related problems in the Abilene community.
    • Include sufficient data on the risk factors in the Abilene community.
    • Cite your sources.


  • 2nd paragraph: Available resources:
    • Identify the protective factors in the Abilene community.
    • Identify the available resources to support prevention efforts in the Abilene community.
    • Discuss gaps in the Abilene community that a prevention program needs to fill.
    • Cite sources.


  • 3rd paragraph: Community readiness (9 stages):
    • Address identified prevention problems or needs. Explain in detail how you decided on the stage of readiness for the Abilene community.
    • Determine the stage of readiness in the Abilene community.
    • Identify how to increase readiness in the Abilene community.
    • Use sufficient info and data to show why the Abilene community is in this stage of readiness and when determining your plan to engage the community in prevention planning.
    • Use sufficient info and data when determining the plan to engage the Abilene community in prevention planning.
    • Sources cited in text.


  • 4th paragraph: Prevention Priorities:
    • Based on the assessment of need, resources, and readiness, identify one or more prevention priorities on which to focus the prevention efforts. (This will be discussed and researched more in prevention Project 2). Just identify and discuss the importance and why it was chosen.


  • Format:
    • Essay should be 3 full pages in length, typed, double-spaced, with one-inch margins and 12-pitch font. 
    • APA format.
    • Fewer than 3 typos or grammatical errors.
    • At least 3 outside sources used. In-text citations and reference page required.
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Substance Abuse/Use Prevention Planning Essay
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Substance Abuse/Use Prevention Planning Essay
The Abilene community is the target community concerning substance abuse. Even though the community has a significantly high number of cases associated with drug abuse-related arrests, the community lacks treatment facilities which is a significant risk factor. Individuals have to travel outside the community when seeking substance-related help. Opioid addiction is a significant problem affecting the Abilene community. Other concerning statistics associated with the community is the high number of individuals arrested for intoxication, fatal car crashes, high drug abuse, and public intoxication (Glaze, 2020). The high number of opioid addictions in the community is based on the fact that a significantly high number of individuals in the community have opioid prescriptions. Despite having a higher number of cases, the community does not have drug courts and only four community facilities that offer substance use treatment services. Some of the risk factors leading to substance abuse include drug availability. There are over seventy prescriptions in a hundred individuals in the Abilene community. This thus makes it easy to have substance abuse in the community as the drugs are readily available. Neighborhood characteristics also play a significant role in the increase of substance abuse. When neighborhoods are associated with a certain drug abuse case, they will most likely have to participate in drug abuse. Other risk factors in the Abilene community include family substance use, peer use, and mental health problems.
Abilene community has put in place measures to ensure that they have dealt with substance abuse. Coming up with organizations and institutions has been a key measure taken in the Abilene community in their quest to protect the community. The Abilene regional council, for example, has worked to ensure that it promotes the community on substance use and misuse (Turner, 2018). The campaign has ensured that individuals understand the various drug limits. Measures of substance consumption are some of the aspects that the organization has advocated for to ensure that there is an overall reduction in substance abuse among the community. The Abilene recovery council is another organization that Abilene has set. The recovery council takes in addicts and individuals with substance abuse. The organization has set programs to ensure that individuals have been rehabilitated and refrained from substance abuse. The Abilene community has also set up town hall meetings to protect citizens from drug abuse. In the meetings, the center for substance abuse prevention and substance mental health services comes...
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