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Family Behavior and Patterns in Determining Children's Well-being

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Family Behavior and Patterns in Determining Children's Well-being
Institutional Affiliation
To survive and prosper, humans rely on one another. Relationships can provide the resources for achieving key goals, whether in a family group, a company, or an organizational network. Our interactive process may either be a source of ineffective activity or a source of fruitful action. Families are called systems since they are made up of interconnected parts or aims, have consistent behaviors, interact regularly, and are dependent on one another. This is evident in the interaction between flowers and bees. The bees eat the blossoms, and the flowers rely on the bees' pollen-spreading inter-flower traffic to ensure healthy genetic diversity within the floral population (Miller et al., 2013). People live in families and social groups, and they rely on one another for the necessities of life, such as food, clothes, shelter, safety, belonging, and social assistance. Family members have intertwined: everyone in a family plays a part in the family's overall life. Because all family members are linked, any change or harm to one impacts the entire family. A change in one person's behavior might be followed by reciprocal changes in the family's functioning (O'Shea, 2021). This essay will mainly focus on how my father's behavior and pattern shaped my family and future relationships.
Family Patterns and Attachments
Too many children when they were little growing up was a good experience for them full of joy and laughter. In my case, I to had the same experiences but also faced many challenges. When drunk, I had an alcoholic father who would change his behavior, which usually used to shock me when I was a kid. When he was sober, he was a kind soul and loved playing with his family, but when he was drunk, his personality changed, and he would usually get violent towards my siblings and me. The mood in the house usually changed whenever he came home drunk, for we usually feared not to upset him.
Impact and Development of Relationships
Socialization is the method through which children acquire knowledge of a society's dialect, morals, etiquette, and rules and all the little, complex pieces of information required to survive and thrive in that culture. Although socialization is a lifetime process, the majority of it occurs during childhood. Children learn how to engage with other people in society as they grow up (Källström et al., 2020). They need to figure out which actions are acceptable and which are not. Because infants are born knowing nothing, infancy is the most crucial time for socializing. Because children's lives begin in their families, the family environment significantly influences their lives (Peleg-Popko & Dar, 2001).
Personally, my family greatly impacted me on what it means to be in a relationship. As a child, I saw how my father would treat my mother and how scared sh...
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