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Erikson’s Psychology Theory's Focal Point on Child and Adolescent Development

Essay Instructions:

Topic: Developmental Theories, Basic Issues, and Ethics

The study of child and adolescent development is complex and no single theory has been able to explain all of its components. However, good theories, grounded in careful research, help us to think about enduring themes in child and adolescent development. The focus of this Discussion is on various theories and the basic issues that help us organize our understanding of development. Ethics in research on children will also be considered.

Chapter 1 of the textbook provides an overview of many developmental theories. Choose one theory described between Mid-Century Theories through the Recent Theoretical Perspectives sections that you feel describes child and adolescent development best. In explaining why you chose this theory, address the following points:

Briefly describe the focal point that your chosen theory places on child and adolescent development.

In describing your theory, briefly describe the stance your theory takes on development – does it consider development to be continuous or discontinuous? Explain your answer.

Briefly describe the stance your chosen theory takes on the relative influence of nature and nurture. Does it emphasize nature, nurture, or both nature and nurture? Explain your answer.

A theory's continued existence depends on scientific verification - every theory must be tested using a fair set of research procedures agreed on by the scientific community (Berk, 2022, p.7). Research can create ethical issues and these issues may be amplified when conducting research with children. What two children's basic research rights discussed in your textbook do you believe are most important to adhere to and why?


Please read the following chapters in your textbook:

Chapter 1: “History, Theory, and Research Strategies”

Chapter 1 is an introductory chapter that provides an overview into the field of child and adolescent development. Historical foundations, theories and basic issues that have organized these theories, and research methods are all discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 2: “Genetic and Environmental Foundations,” except Section 2.2 Reproductive Choices

Chapter 2 covers genetic (nature) and environmental (nurture) foundations of development. Patterns of genetic inheritance as well as different types of genetic problems that can occur during prenatal development are discussed, as are some of the environmental contexts important for development. An important part of the chapter deals with understanding the relationship between heredity and environment.

Textbook :

Infants, Children, and Adolescents

Laura E. Berk

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Child Adolescent Development Study



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Child Adolescent Development Study

The study of child and adolescent development subject comprises many theories with distinct aspects on their perspectives making the subject complex. Erikson’s Psychology theory is one of the distinctive comprehensive approaches discussed in the textbook (Berk, 2022). The main focal point of the theory is the social and emotional development of persons as they grow. Based on the theory, social interactions, conflict resolutions, and relations are paramount in lifespan development. Erikson has categorized the psychological problems that a person needs to resolve in 

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