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Effects of Couple Drinking Events on Short-Term Relationship Harmony and Discord

Essay Instructions:

Your task is to prepare a written critique/review on the manuscript, Effects of Couple Drinking Events on Short-Term Relationship Harmony and Discord. Your written review should be from 1-2 single spaced pages (12pt, times new roman). The review report will be worth 20% of your final grade. Please submit your work in word version (rather than PDF version).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Review: Effects of Couple Drinking Events on Short-Term Relationship Harmony and Discord: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study
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Due Date
The manuscript "Effects of Couple Drinking Events on Short-Term Relationship Harmony and Discord: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study" presents significant examination and insights into the implications of drinking cases on relationship perspectives while utilizing Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA). Couples with evident concordant drinking events patterns have increased relationship stability and satisfaction over time. The study incorporates evidence that drinking events with an intimate partner have positive immediate implications for functioning relationships as opposed to drinking events without an intimate partner. The research aims to evaluate the ensuing short-term and long-term impacts of couple drinking events on their relationship's discord, effect, and harmony (Testa et al., 2022). This paper critically reviews and critiques the manuscript's methodology, strengths, limitations, findings, and implications of the study comprehensively and in a detailed manner.
Methodology and design
The study's methodology illustrates and uses a rigorous technique to address the possible confounding elements. The study seeks to isolate the impacts of couple drinking episodes on the relationship outcomes by controlling for between-person differences, relationship functioning at a report before, and the instances of drinking events. The use of EMA allows for the evaluation of temporal relationships between relationship perspectives and drinking episodes. However, there is a need to consider various limitations concerning the study's methodology and design. The narrow selection criteria of samples, emphasizing congruent heavy drinking participants who have previously experienced partner aggression, may limit the findings' generalizability. Also, the predominantly white, heterosexual, and Facebook-employed study sample causes concern about representativeness and diversity (Testa et al., 2022).
The manuscript offers critical insights and findings concerning the short-term and long-term impacts of couple drinking episodes on the dynamics of a relationship. The study presents evidence-based support for the positive effects of Drinking with a partner (DWP) on the harmony of a relationship, with improved closeness feelings and enhanced compatibility. The study's findings show that the women's report displayed more implications, suggesting possible gender differences in the DWP effects. It is important to note that the lack of immediate drinking episodes impacts the discord of a relationship and challenges existing research suggesting an intricate relationship between conflict within couples and alcohol consumption. The analysis of next-day impacts demonstrated adverse implications of partner drinking without other partners (DWOP) on relationship morning discord, showing the availability of significant mechanisms stretching beyond alcohol-impaired inhibitions. Consequently, the consistent adverse impacts of women's congruent heavy drinking habit...
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