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Effective Ways of Preventing Diabetes

Essay Instructions:

Our understanding of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes has advanced tremendously in the second half of the twentieth century. We are still learning about these diseases, however, and discovering what treatments are most effective and how they should be administered. For this assignment, you will pick either cardiovascular disease or diabetes and do some research to identify potential treatments or prevention methods for the disease you've chosen.

Then, in a 2 double-spaced page paper, you will compare 2 treatments or prevention methods for the disease you've chosen. Using at least 2 peer-reviewed sources found through the University Libraries, you will describe the treatments/prevention methods and outline the evidence for and/or against their effectiveness. Then, you will conclude by assessing whether one treatment/prevention method is better than the other and speculating if they might work if used together.

Your paper should be approximately 2 double-spaced pages and include the following sections:

1) Introduction where you discuss the disease you've chosen and why it is an important health condition

2) Description of the first treatment/prevention method, along with its effectiveness (supported by evidence)

3) Description of the second treatment/prevention method, along with its effectiveness (supported by evidence)

4) Analysis of whether one treatment/prevention method seems to be more effective than another and whether or not they might be effective if used together

5) Conclusion

Be sure to use in-text citations any time you refer to another author's ideas. You should use at least two peer-reviewed sources found through the University Libraries for this assignment; include a reference for them at the bottom of your paper. Your paper should be a minimum of around 2 double-spaced page, excluding your reference list, name, and title. Do not use any direct quotes for this assignment.

You will submit your assignment on this page, but be aware that it will be checked for plagiarism through turnitin.com. Thus, make sure everything is in your own words and that anything you paraphrase has been paraphrased appropriately.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Treatment Comparison for CVD or Diabetes
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Department, College
Course Code: Course Name
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Due Date
Treatment Comparison for CVD or Diabetes
Diabetes occurs when one’s blood sugar becomes too high. Blood glucose is the primary energy source and is provided through food consumption (Yang et al., 2019). On the other hand, the pancreas produces insulin, which aids in moving the sugar from the food into the cells, which is then used to provide the body with energy. At times, one’s body does not produce enough insulin, and the sugar stays in the blood and cannot move to the cells. Eventually, the excess glucose in the blood leads to health complications such as the development of diabetes (Alkhatib et al., 2017). Even though there is no cure for diabetes, there are effective ways of managing the condition. Additionally, there are preventions measures, with the most effective being exercising and cutting down on sugar and refined carbohydrates from one’s diet.
Cutting Down on Sugar and Refined Carbohydrates
One way of preventing the development of diabetes is by cutting refined carbohydrates and sugar from one’s diet. Research has indicated that refined carbohydrates and sugary foods contain excess glucose and thus can lead to the development of diabetes. When one consumes sugary foods, the body promptly breaks them into molecules absorbed into their blood circulation. The rise in sugar levels in the blood leads to the pancreas producing insulin, which helps remove the sugar from the blood into the body cells. However, the body cells may sometimes be unresponsive to insulin, and the sugar remains in the blood. In response to the resistance, the body produces more insulin to bring the blood sugar levels down. Over time, insulin and blood sugar levels continue rising, and the condition transforms into diabetes (Alkhatib et al., 2017). Therefore, to help prevent the development of diabetes, one should watch what they consume by reducing their intake of sugary foods and carbohydrates.
Regular Exercise
The seco...
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