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Case Study of Bryan Major Depressive Episode DSM-5

Essay Instructions:

Researching a DSM-5 disorder or group related disorders to develop a 3 page fictional and/or current books related to the disorder to cite within the body of the paper and to list on a separate reference page. Your DSM-5 book also needs to appear in the body of the paper and on the reference page bout does not count as one of the three additional references. The paper needs to have a title page, reference page, double-spaced, using 12 point font and formatted in APA style.

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DSM – 5 Case Study
Your Name
November 23, 2016
Your Institution of Affiliation
Case Study of Bryan – Major Depressive Episode
I. Description and History of the Problem
a. Presenting problem
Bryan is a middle-aged man in his early 30s who have reported having difficulty in sleeping (insomnia), loss of energy and lack of appetite for two weeks already. His wife, Elizabeth, stated that she also noticed that Bryan had incurred significant weight loss and a decrease in his want to participate in any recreational activities of his friends for roughly the same period when his Insomnia began.
After asking for help from a family friend who is a professor of psychology at Middleton University, he referred Bryan to this clinic. Details of his psychological state have been noted down, and other observations were already reported and sent to me before this counseling session.
Following the advice of their friend, Bryan and his wife have requested for a psychiatric diagnosis and a counseling session. He said that in the past few days, he had been feeling “worthless” and that he wants the thought to stop. However, he also requested if it’s possible to have significant results in as early as two weeks because of his work load.
b. Bryan’s view of his problem
Elizabeth, Bryan’s wife, said that their family friend stated that Bryan might have Major depressive episode that resulted from a recent tragedy in the past. Bray stated that it might be because of his recent job loss and subsequent failures in looking for a new one. He also said that he was offered a job as a sales clerk in a local supermarket, but he refused it because his degree in accountancy would be wasted.
Regarding his ways of coping and forgetting the problem, Bryan stated that he usually goes to the local pub (at least twice a week) and drink with his friends. His wife agreed on this one the condition that he won’t do it more than twice a week. However, after the past few weeks, he even lost interest in hanging out with his friends.
II. Jean’s Background Information
a. Family of origin and childhood
Bryan grew up in New York City in 1986. He had a tight relationship with his family members, and he is very close to his parents. He said that her Filipina mother made sure that family comes first and that is the reason why his family is “tightly knitted together.” However, his father just died a few months ago due to testicular cancer.
With regards to his relationship with his siblings, he also reported that they are close and very much “best friends” to each other. Altogether, they grew up in a small flat that they rented in New York.
b. Current living arrangements
Bryan is now living with his wife and his daughter (age 15). His eldest son just married a Filipina colleague that he met in the Philippines. His daughter is already in her Twelfth grade and is looking to apply in a nursing school in the UK where she could live with her grandfather (Elizabeth’s father). Her wife is a housewife and is now taking part-time jobs to help finance their family.
c. Legal information
Bryan hasn’t been involved in any criminal acts and even has a clean record. No divorce, robbery, murder cases, etc. He hasn’t even incurred a speeding ticket.
d. Social and recreational activities
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