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Does Breastfeeding Make Babies Smarter?

Essay Instructions:

Developmental Psychology: Fall 2021

Group Research Paper Grading Checklist

(each criteria is 2 points each)

Paper Title: _________________________________________


___Has all the relevant sections:

___Title Page




___Included a shortened running head title (ALL CAPS) on every page

___ “Running head” on first page only

___ Included page numbers on each page

___ Wrote in the past tense (exception with the Discussion Section)

___Did not use contractions

___Did not use/overuse quotes

___Did not use the word “prove” or any variant of it

___Did not exceed 6 pages (not including the title page and reference pages)


___Includes center title (Major words capitalized)

___Did not cite any articles/authors not read (e.g., a dissertation, a citation of a citation)

___Used APA citation format correctly

___Did not cite a citation (CC) [“Smith (2001) found that one equals two (Howard, 2007)”]

___Did not overcite (OC): citing the same source sentence by sentence [“Most people apply their own moral code to their own behavior (Bonn, 1999). For example, one study found that people would justify their cheating behavior rather than refrain from the behavior (Bonn, 1999).”]

___Did not block cite (BC): Citing an entire paragraph by placing a single citation with the last sentence: [“Most people apply their own moral code to their own behavior. For example, one found that people would justify their cheating behavior rather than refrain from behavior (Bonn, 1999).”]

___Did not have any missing citations (MC)

___Used information form at least 3 empirical articles to summarize past research


___Included centered Discussion (bolded)

___Re-addressed why this lit review was being conducted

___Summarized what was found (but without restating the numbers)

___If the hypothesis was supported, discussed what researchers should do next (the next step)

___If the hypothesis was not supported, discuss why (possible study flaws)


___Included a reference page

___Included word “References” at the top of the page (is not bolded, no quotes)

___References organized correctly (i.e., alphabetically)

___Referenced all sources cited

___Used APA style correctly

Writing Style

___Used mature, sophisticated writing style

___Did not use poor phrasing (“we looked at the effects of…” or “we wanted to see it…”)

___Did not use colloquialisms (i.e., informal or conversational wordings)


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Does Breastfeeding Make Babies Smarter
Student’s Name
University Affiliation
Instructor’s Name
Course Code and Title
Due Date
Does Breastfeeding Make Babies Smarter
One of the new mothers’ many considerations when feeding their infants is whether or not to breastfeed. Numerous health benefits have been attributed to breastfeeding, including a decreased risk of infections, stronger immune systems, and reduced rates of obesity later in life. Yet, one controversial question is whether or not breastfeeding can make babies smarter. Proponents of this theory often argue that the nutrients found in breast milk contribute to healthy brain development, leading to increased intelligence. However, skeptics argue that the purported link between breastfeeding and intelligence is mainly circumstantial and that any benefits are likely due to other factors, such as socioeconomic status or genetics. They attribute the higher IQs seen in breastfed children to the mother's intelligence than the nutritional benefits of breastfeeding (Jacobson & Jacobson, 2006). Thus, whether breastfeeding truly makes babies smarter remains a hotly debated topic among researchers, healthcare professionals, and parents alike.
Implications of the topic on parenting and development
The question of whether breastfeeding has a positive impact on intelligence has been debated for some time. This question is essential for several reasons. For parents, it may inform their decision to breastfeed or to continue breastfeeding for a more extended period to provide their child with the best possible start in life. Additionally, if breastfeeding does improve cognitive outcomes, it could have far-reaching implications for education, career opportunities, and overall quality of life. From a public health perspective, the question is also essential. If breastfeeding is linked to improved intelligence, it may be necessary for health professionals to encourage new mothers to breastfeed to maximize their child's cognitive development. This could help to reduce disparities in educational achievement and health outcomes. Despite the importance of this question, the answer remains to be seen. Several studies have examined the link between breastfeeding and intelligence, but the results have been mixed. While some studies suggest that breastfeeding may positively impact cognitive development, others find no effect. Further research is needed to provide a more definitive answer. In the meantime, it is essential to remember that breastfeeding is still recommended for its numerous other health benefits.
Literature review
Numerous studies have examined the potential link between breastfeeding and cognitive development in children. One large and carefully designed study by Kramer et al. (2008) used a randomized controlled trial to compare breastfeeding promotion with standard postnatal care. They found that children in the breastfeeding promotion group scored significantly higher on particular measures of IQ, including vocabulary and verbal IQ, at age six and a half. This study was particularly strong because women were randomly assigned to either receive breastfeeding support or not, which limits the potential for confounding factors.
Another study by Amiel Castro, Glover, Ehlert, and O’Connor (2021) investigated the impact of breastfeeding on child neurodevelopment and whether breastfeeding could offset the adverse effects of prenatal maternal distress. They found that breastfeeding was positively associated with total IQ at age eight and negatively associated with hyperactivity/attention deficit symptoms. However, they did not find evidence that breastfeeding moderated the negative effects of prenatal maternal distress on child neurodevelopment.
Finally, a pilot study by AlThuneyyan et al. (2022) compared IQ, social intelligence...
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