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Discharge Plan and Aftercare Services

Essay Instructions:


Please read the provided case example and create a discharge plan and aftercare plan for the client/patient and answer the questions following the case example. The plan should be based on the Discharge Planning & Aftercare power point (attached), including the required elements of each plan in your response.

Case Example

Janet is a 42 year old divorced female who works in a large recruiting office. She has two children, 8 and 9, but they currently live with their father who decided to remain living in the school district which has allowed their lives to not be uprooted by her move for her company three hours from their home, last year.

When Janet was 38 she was involved in a terrible accident, in which she was hit by a drunk driver while on her early morning run around their home. The accident has caused her to have pain management issues with her back, and she was prescribed hydrocodone p.r.n. to manage the pain. Janet reflects in treatment that her whole life changed after that accident. She went from a very active marathon runner, involved mother, and optimistic goal-driven person, to being unable to move around with pain in her back, no longer active, someone with no real hobbies, and her marriage took a turn for the worse when she struggled with accepting this new life. Janet started seeing a psychiatrist 6 months after the accident and she diagnosed her with depression, putting her on a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) to manage the depression. It wasn’t long after this that she began drinking, and taking more of the hydrocodone than prescribed. Her husband filed for divorce a year and a half after her accident and the children wanted to stay with him, due in large part to the major changes in her personality and behavior after the accident. She took the job with her company in hopes that a change in scenery and meeting new people would help her find new purpose; however, the isolation from her two children and the continued issues with her back only intensified her depression.

Janet entered inpatient treatment 2 months ago to help her address both an alcohol and prescription medication addiction. She realized she needed this help when she sought out a dealer for heroin because she had run out of her pain medication prescription. This was a moment of clarity for how bad things had really become. During treatment they worked with her on identifying alternative ways to manage her back pain, and she worked with a physical therapist while inpatient. Treatment also included group, working with a therapist on her depression, which the onsite psychiatrist feels was a misdiagnosis, and that she is likely experiencing prolonged situational depression due to her injuries and the major life changes, not something that will be chronic if addressed properly. The psychiatrist recommends that after she leaves treatment they continue to work together to help her come off of the SSRI and to monitor her depression. Her treatment team has meet with her to conduct the ASAM PPC assessment to decide if she is ready for discharge. The assessment reveals that she has meet her goals successfully and both the client and her treatment team feel that she is ready to leave inpatient.

1. What information would you include on Janet’s Discharge Plans (be specific and use the lecture PowerPoint as a reference)?

2. What services do you think a professional would include in Janet’s aftercare services?

3. Explain why the above services would be beneficial to Janet?

**No cover page needed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

4325 Case Application 6
4325 Case Application 6
The discharge plan information includes the specific date of discharge, the reason for release, client and family involvement in the treatment, the date the client reviewed the plan, whether the discharge is against medical advice, and the treatment center's aftercare services. Lastly, the client's goals and activities they will partake in to sustain recovery.
The type of services after discharge include Family therapy sessions. For one, Janet's problems with her family are her depression and addiction factors. To ensure complete recovery, psychiatrists will offer family therapy sessions to focus on rebuilding her relationship with her family.
Another service she ...
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