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Disabling Effect on a Person's Job, Social Factors

Essay Instructions:

Choose one psychological disorder and write a 3 page paper summarizing the findings from 3 scientific references. e.g. Depression, Anxiety.
Include a title page, in-body references, and a reference page....all in APA format!!
Quality and relevance of the references that are used in the paper 5%
APA format throughout the paper including title page, reference page and in-text citations. 5%
Writing Style: Scientific writing as opposed to casual writing and ability for the reader to understand the flow of material. Structure of the paper: Page length, flow of material with appropriate subheadings 5%

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional affiliation

Depression is a disorder that has a disabling effect on a person’s job, social, physiological factors. The occurrence of the condition is approximately 16% of the general population, and the symptoms might persist for many years without remission. It can be experienced by people in any age groups. Peluso, Carleton, and Asmundson (2011) reviews that depression is a major psychological disorder that affects students in higher learning institutions. Subsequently, it has adverse effects on their academic performance. The authors review that this has led to the majority of research work being conducted among undergraduate students. Peluso, Carleton, and Asmundson (2011) research focused on graduate students suggesting that they remained vulnerable to the effects of depression. The participants were Canadian psychology graduates across Canada. The research was achieved by filling the Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). Other factors included were the funding, research productivity, hours worked, and their advisory relationship. The study found that 33% of the participants showed clinically significant symptoms that revealed they had depression. A small number of these showed severe symptoms of depression and impairment.
Based on the factors under investigation Peluso, Carleton, and Asmundson (2011) regression analysis found that satisfaction with advisory relationships and higher current weekly hours of work could be used as predictors of the depressive symptoms. One of the limitations of the study was that depression symptoms were measured using self-reports rather than clinical interviews. The researchers allude that this was acceptable due to the application of the CES-D, which is widely accepted by scientists as a clinical screen. The results of this study reveal that academic advisory relationships and availability of funds is critical to for students leaving the university as a failure of these resources has mental health effects especially among graduates undertaking experimental psychology. Conclusively, the prevalence of low mood and self-esteem is linked to the depression, and it has an effect on areas outside the academic doctrines such as the graduate’s interpersonal relationships.
Stewart et al. (2003) confirm the sentiments expressed by Peluso, Carleton, and Asmundson (2011) that depression is a common challenge expressed by learners in higher education. Stewart et al. (2003) review that social networking is highly experienced among college students and it is the use of these online social sites that can trigger depression. The researchers conducted a study meant to address the college student’s Facebook disclosures that portrayed Major Depressive Episodes (MDE) or met DSM criteria for a depression symptom. The scholars selected status updates from Facebook profiles of sophomore and junior undergraduates. The study employed a negative binomial regression analysis to determine the link between de...
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