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DB Unit 5 PS 562

Essay Instructions:
Given that conducting and properly scoring a descriptive assessment can be extremely time consuming and descriptive assessments do not provide any information about causal environment-behavior relations, one might conclude that descriptive assessments do not have a place in clinical work. However, this is not the case. Describe a situation in which the use of a descriptive assessment would be indicated. Include enough detail to support your assertion and explain how the data would be used to inform follow-up assessments or interventions. Take care to avoid describing situations in which a functional analysis would be a more accurate and efficient choice of an assessment.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Descriptive Assessment Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Descriptive Assessment Descriptive assessment can be a primary replacement in cases where functional analysis is deficient. Some situations come with ethical considerations, environmental limitations, and safety concerns in which descriptive assessments prove more suitable relative to functional analyses (Kilgus, S. et al., 2017). An example would be a case of assessing a non-verbal child with frequent self-injurious behavior (SIB) where functional analysis is impossible due to the associated safety concerns. Also, assessing such a child comes with the challenge of ethics of manipulating environmental contingencies. Also, if the SIB occurs unpredictably, it can be challenging to analyze it functionally. The above case demonstrates the stem of the interchangeable use of functional analyses and descriptive assessments. The above case outlines particular reasons why descriptive assessment is appropriate. Techniques like antecedent behav...
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