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DB Unit 4 PS 507

Essay Instructions:
Resource: A Model for Ethical Decision Making: Part 3 Please review the Model for Ethical Decision Making: Part 3 resource and the following scenario from Bailey and Burch (2022, p. 182): Case 3.04 - Managing Mom "I am looking for advice on how to manage a parent who constantly discusses her personal life and her other child. She cries and spends 90% of my ABA time talking about things other than my actual client. None of my passive or subtle (and not so subtle) cues have helped. She is a professional in a related field, and I feel as though she is treating me as her sounding board/friend/coparent rather than a BCBA working with her daughter. I do not interact and do not respond to the inappropriate topics. I am feeling uncomfortable and believe that my time is not used appropriately by this client. I'd love some advice on how to get her to be more professional and appropriate to avoid her trying to create a dual relationship." Considering the content of this case scenario, please answer the following questions utilizing part three of the model for ethical decision making: Utilizing your metacognitive skills, please reflect on the results of your decisions in this scenario. How could the utilization of a Declaration of Professional Practices and Procedures support a successful resolution in this scenario? How did specific code standards support your decisions? Are any further steps needed in this particular situation? What have you learned that will affect your future ethical decisions? How does what you learned about yourself, and your biases, in the implicit tests and from your personality screen from Unit 1 impact your thought processes here? Please attend to information derived from both.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Managing Professional Boundaries in ABA Therapy Student Instructor Institution Course and Code Date Managing Professional Boundaries in ABA Therapy The case from Bailey and Burch (2022) describes the primary ethical dilemmas of dual relationships and boundaries. Applying Part 3 of the Model for Ethical Decision-Making presents a step-by-step guide to solving this problem. Reflection on Decisions The BCBA’s role, which is always to prioritize the client’s welfare, is a reassuring constant. When the existing dynamics persist, this moderates the effectiveness of services and opposes ethical accountability. Prompt measures to modify the interactions paradigm to a client-centric goal-oriented paradigm are essential. Declaration of Professional Practices and Procedures Declaring known professional practices and procedures would have been very useful. This document lays down clear guidelines on the BCBA’s expectations and the rationale behind interacting with clients and their families (Bailey and Burch, 2022). If it were introduced during onboarding, it would have accompanied the setting of early e...
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